Some Foundational Aspects of Andragogy's History

Some Foundational Aspects of Andragogy's History

ISBN13: 9781799839378|ISBN10: 1799839370|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781799856573|EISBN13: 9781799839385
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3937-8.ch003
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John Arthur Henschke. "Some Foundational Aspects of Andragogy's History." Facilitating Adult and Organizational Learning Through Andragogy: A History, Philosophy, and Major Themes, IGI Global, 2021, pp.45-66.


J. Henschke (2021). Some Foundational Aspects of Andragogy's History. IGI Global.


John Arthur Henschke. "Some Foundational Aspects of Andragogy's History." In Facilitating Adult and Organizational Learning Through Andragogy: A History, Philosophy, and Major Themes. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2021.

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This chapter offers a vigorous clash for and against andragogy within this time frame but reaching back to ancient roots informing the development of andragogical ideas and connecting with the very beginning of the 21st century. Savicevic from Serbia provided a critical consideration of andragogical concepts in 10 European countries – five Western and five Eastern. Knowles clearly articulates in one place his six assumptions and eight process elements of andragogy. Poggeler from Germany listed 10 trends, which he hoped would be beneficial in future European and USA research. Welton launched a very vigorous accusation against Knowles and andragogy that declares their abandonment of adult education's vital role in fostering democratic action. Draper traced the metamorphosis of andragogy as humane treatment of adult learners. Savicevic's comprehensive andragogy book includes thirty of his works over 26 years and views andragogy as a fairly independent scientific discipline.

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