Safety and Security in Tourism: Formalizing Uncertainty at the Destination Level

Safety and Security in Tourism: Formalizing Uncertainty at the Destination Level

Mariya Zl Stankova
ISBN13: 9781799881896|ISBN10: 179988189X|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781799881902|EISBN13: 9781799881919
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8189-6.ch014
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Stankova, Mariya Zl. "Safety and Security in Tourism: Formalizing Uncertainty at the Destination Level." Handbook of Research on Key Dimensions of Occupational Safety and Health Protection Management, edited by Snežana Živković, et al., IGI Global, 2022, pp. 284-301.


Stankova, M. Z. (2022). Safety and Security in Tourism: Formalizing Uncertainty at the Destination Level. In S. Živković, B. Krstić, & T. Rađenović (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Key Dimensions of Occupational Safety and Health Protection Management (pp. 284-301). IGI Global.


Stankova, Mariya Zl. "Safety and Security in Tourism: Formalizing Uncertainty at the Destination Level." In Handbook of Research on Key Dimensions of Occupational Safety and Health Protection Management, edited by Snežana Živković, Bojan Krstić, and Tamara Rađenović, 284-301. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2022.

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Every person has the right to live and work in a safety and equitable environment. This is one of the principal priorities of the United Nations since 1948, and it is protected by the International Labour Organization through a significant number of documents, regulating the health and safety matters in the work environment. Of particular interest, however, is the consideration of this topic in relation to tourism. The fact is that another human right is that of travel. Therefore, it is important to discuss the possibilities for assuring the health and safety of tourist providers and tourists. Putting that on focus, this chapter is pointed over the clarification of the tourism industry specifics, using a multidisciplinary approach for formalization of uncertainty at the tourism destination level related to the special case of Bulgaria, assuring safety, health, and security of all the people involved.

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