Pedagogue: Social Pedagogue, Roles, Competences, Personality Characteristics, and Areas of Work

Pedagogue: Social Pedagogue, Roles, Competences, Personality Characteristics, and Areas of Work

Sandra Kadum
ISBN13: 9781799885092|ISBN10: 1799885097|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781799885108|EISBN13: 9781799885115
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8509-2.ch016
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Kadum, Sandra. "Pedagogue: Social Pedagogue, Roles, Competences, Personality Characteristics, and Areas of Work." Handbook of Research on Pedagogies and Early Intervention Strategies for Combatting Socio-Pathological Behaviors, edited by Sheryl Beverley Buckley, et al., IGI Global, 2022, pp. 398-418.


Kadum, S. (2022). Pedagogue: Social Pedagogue, Roles, Competences, Personality Characteristics, and Areas of Work. In S. Buckley, I. Babic, V. Kadum, & M. Hmelak (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Pedagogies and Early Intervention Strategies for Combatting Socio-Pathological Behaviors (pp. 398-418). IGI Global.


Kadum, Sandra. "Pedagogue: Social Pedagogue, Roles, Competences, Personality Characteristics, and Areas of Work." In Handbook of Research on Pedagogies and Early Intervention Strategies for Combatting Socio-Pathological Behaviors, edited by Sheryl Beverley Buckley, et al., 398-418. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2022.

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One of the main tasks of every pedagogue is to critically think and evaluate their own work in order to constantly improve and adapt to the needs of children. In this way, the child is placed at the very center of the educational process, which is the goal of the modern educational process. As part of his work, he creates and implements prevention programs, which leads to risk reduction and strengthening of protective factors for the development of behavioral problems. It should be noted that risk reduction and strengthening of protective factors should be started at the youngest possible age of the child. He also notes that he assesses the needs of whole groups of children, suggests different forms of support to other participants, consults with teachers, children, parents, and all other important people in the child's life. In other words, he creates the conditions for a child's healthy development to change his behavior and effectively meet his own needs by respecting norms, rules, and boundaries.

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