Gamers as Homeopathic Media Therapy: Electromagnetic Antibodies in the Toxic Media Field

Gamers as Homeopathic Media Therapy: Electromagnetic Antibodies in the Toxic Media Field

Stephen Brock Schafer
ISBN13: 9781799888840|ISBN10: 1799888843|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781799888857|EISBN13: 9781799888864
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8884-0.ch019
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Schafer, Stephen Brock. "Gamers as Homeopathic Media Therapy: Electromagnetic Antibodies in the Toxic Media Field." Handbook of Research on Global Media’s Preternatural Influence on Global Technological Singularity, Culture, and Government, edited by Stephen Brock Schafer and Alex Bennet, IGI Global, 2022, pp. 397-425.


Schafer, S. B. (2022). Gamers as Homeopathic Media Therapy: Electromagnetic Antibodies in the Toxic Media Field. In S. Schafer & A. Bennet (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Global Media’s Preternatural Influence on Global Technological Singularity, Culture, and Government (pp. 397-425). IGI Global.


Schafer, Stephen Brock. "Gamers as Homeopathic Media Therapy: Electromagnetic Antibodies in the Toxic Media Field." In Handbook of Research on Global Media’s Preternatural Influence on Global Technological Singularity, Culture, and Government, edited by Stephen Brock Schafer and Alex Bennet, 397-425. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2022.

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Mainstream Western medical theory is based on treating the symptoms of disease—a dynamic derisively called “bandage treatment.” This medical perspective is the inverse of homeopathic theory, which aims to treat the quantum level cause of disease. Because homeopathy addresses the quantum “first cause” of disease, it establishes precedents for understanding Divine “First Cause.” Homeopathic theory and practice are based on recognizing symptomatic syndromes—a process very similar to Carl Jung's practice of inducing healing with a patient's insight as to the meaning of dream symbolism. This meaningful insight functions like the EM signature of a homeopathic remedy. The homeopathic physician augments “remediation” of phenotypes from quantum dimensions in the same way that a Jungian psychiatrist augments (amplifies) a patient's self-healing insight. The homeopathic/Jungian dynamic works something like antibodies that neutralize antigens, so—in a virtual EM unified media-field—contextual gamers can serve the function of antibodies against mediated toxicity.

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