Analyzing the Influence and Global Impact of NGOs on the Southern African Regions on Climate Displacement and Refugee Crises

Analyzing the Influence and Global Impact of NGOs on the Southern African Regions on Climate Displacement and Refugee Crises

ISBN13: 9781668476208|ISBN10: 1668476207|ISBN13 Softcover: 9781668476215|EISBN13: 9781668476222
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7620-8.ch012
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Bag, Akash, et al. "Analyzing the Influence and Global Impact of NGOs on the Southern African Regions on Climate Displacement and Refugee Crises." Financing Regions Toward Sustainability in the Midst of Climate Change Risks and Uncertainty, edited by Beata Zofia Filipiak, et al., IGI Global, 2023, pp. 235-263.


Bag, A., Ali, S. M., & Ghose, A. (2023). Analyzing the Influence and Global Impact of NGOs on the Southern African Regions on Climate Displacement and Refugee Crises. In B. Filipiak, D. Kordela, & I. Nawrolska (Eds.), Financing Regions Toward Sustainability in the Midst of Climate Change Risks and Uncertainty (pp. 235-263). IGI Global.


Bag, Akash, S. M. Aamir Ali, and Anuttama Ghose. "Analyzing the Influence and Global Impact of NGOs on the Southern African Regions on Climate Displacement and Refugee Crises." In Financing Regions Toward Sustainability in the Midst of Climate Change Risks and Uncertainty, edited by Beata Zofia Filipiak, Dominika Kordela, and Izabela Nawrolska, 235-263. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, 2023.

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This chapter aims to examine the inclusion and exclusion of regional and local MENA organizations in the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration and the Global Compact on Refugees, as well as how they affect the global governance of displacement caused by climate change. The research was conducted using a combined theoretical framework of social constructivism related to structural and social conceptions of power. A qualitative empirical case chapter combining textual and content analysis constitutes the technique. The findings demonstrate how non-state actors and global governance mechanisms influence and transform one another. Non-state actors contributing to a shifting discourse on climate change displacement cause change to occur gradually and with much persuasion. Thus, the chapter offers a case chapter of how marginalized players can shape and be shaped by the two global compacts.

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