Oblique Aerial Image Acquisition, 3D City Modeling, 3D City Guide Project for Konya Metropolitan Municipality

Oblique Aerial Image Acquisition, 3D City Modeling, 3D City Guide Project for Konya Metropolitan Municipality

Tuncer Ozerbıl, Ergun Gokten, Mustafa Onder, Osman Selcuk, Nilhan Ciftci Sarılar, Ayhan Tekgul, Erdal Yılmaz, Alpaslan Tutuneken
Copyright: © 2015 |Volume: 4 |Issue: 2 |Pages: 14
ISSN: 2156-1710|EISSN: 2156-1702|EISBN13: 9781466680005|DOI: 10.4018/IJ3DIM.2015040103
Cite Article Cite Article


Ozerbıl, Tuncer, et al. "Oblique Aerial Image Acquisition, 3D City Modeling, 3D City Guide Project for Konya Metropolitan Municipality." IJ3DIM vol.4, no.2 2015: pp.34-47. http://doi.org/10.4018/IJ3DIM.2015040103


Ozerbıl, T., Gokten, E., Onder, M., Selcuk, O., Sarılar, N. C., Tekgul, A., Yılmaz, E., & Tutuneken, A. (2015). Oblique Aerial Image Acquisition, 3D City Modeling, 3D City Guide Project for Konya Metropolitan Municipality. International Journal of 3-D Information Modeling (IJ3DIM), 4(2), 34-47. http://doi.org/10.4018/IJ3DIM.2015040103


Ozerbıl, Tuncer, et al. "Oblique Aerial Image Acquisition, 3D City Modeling, 3D City Guide Project for Konya Metropolitan Municipality," International Journal of 3-D Information Modeling (IJ3DIM) 4, no.2: 34-47. http://doi.org/10.4018/IJ3DIM.2015040103

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Usage of aerial oblique cameras and oblique images in generation of 3D city models has become popular all over the world in recent years and various solutions has been developed involving specialized methods and softwares. The first comprehensive step in this field was taken by Konya Metropolitan Municipality in Turkey in 2012 and the project undertaken by GEOGIS has been successfully completed in February 2014. It is the first time in Turkey that 3D city model of this large scale has been generated. The project involves: Aerial image acquisition of the project area with vertical and oblique cameras respectively and photogrammetric triangulation; Development of OttoPenta software, which can display oblique images in pentaview screen, make spatial queries and also can measure the horizontal, vertical distance and area; Digitization of roof and roof structures from vertical stereo images using photogrammetric interpretation techniques and generation of 3D solid building models using this data; Assigning building ID numbers to solid models to integrate with the GIS data of the Municipality that is available in Oracle Spatial database; Automatic texturing of 3D models with oblique images; Exporting of textured 3D models into Oracle Spatial Database in CityGML format, complying the OGC standards; and development of KNVCity software, to create and publish the 3D city guide on WEB and mobile devices. The goal of this paper is sharing the experience and knowledge that was gained during the 3D City modeling and 3D city guide project which was performed for the first time in Turkey.

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