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Improving Learning Outcomes for Higher Education Through Smart Technology

Improving Learning Outcomes for Higher Education Through Smart Technology

James O. Connelly, Paula Miller
Copyright: © 2018 |Volume: 6 |Issue: 1 |Pages: 17
ISSN: 2166-7292|EISSN: 2166-7306|EISBN13: 9781522546733|DOI: 10.4018/IJCSSA.2018010101
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Connelly, James O., and Paula Miller. "Improving Learning Outcomes for Higher Education Through Smart Technology." IJCSSA vol.6, no.1 2018: pp.1-17.


Connelly, J. O. & Miller, P. (2018). Improving Learning Outcomes for Higher Education Through Smart Technology. International Journal of Conceptual Structures and Smart Applications (IJCSSA), 6(1), 1-17.


Connelly, James O., and Paula Miller. "Improving Learning Outcomes for Higher Education Through Smart Technology," International Journal of Conceptual Structures and Smart Applications (IJCSSA) 6, no.1: 1-17.

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The ever-decreasing time between the doubling of knowledge creates a problem for education concerning how to handle information overload. To address this issue, educators must learn to make learning more effective and more efficient. Currently, there is more to learn and less time in which to learn. Therefore, Smart technology offers a solution: It helps manage cognitive load through the formation of a schema, which helps humans learn more with greater efficiency and greater effectiveness. This can be accomplished by instructional design that makes use of Gagné's conditions of learning and the nine instructional events based on them. These can be brought together through the ADDIE instructional design model. This process is amplified by using Smart instructional technology to create the learning material and to deliver it to the learner. The educational venues for learning include face to face, online, or mobile communication devices. Examples are provided about the conditions of learning, nine instructional events, and the ADDIE Model, which are applied to classical guitar instruction. Further, the elements of Smart technology are presented as a resource for teaching and learning.

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