A QoS aware Framework to support Minimum Energy Data Aggregation and Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks

A QoS aware Framework to support Minimum Energy Data Aggregation and Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks

Neeraj Kumar, R.B. Patel
DOI: 10.4018/japuc.2009100106
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In a wireless sensor network (WSN), the sensor nodes obtain data and communicate its data to a centralized node called base station (BS) using intermediate gateway nodes (GN). Because sensors are battery powered, they are highly energy constrained. Data aggregation can be used to combine data of several sensors into a single message, thus reducing sensor communication costs and energy consumption. In this article, the authors propose a QoS aware framework to support minimum energy data aggregation and routing in WSNs. To minimize the energy consumption, a new metric is defined for the evaluation of the path constructed from source to destination. The proposed QoS framework supports the dual goal of load balancing and serving as an admission control mechanism for incoming traffic at a particular sensor node. The results show that the proposed framework supports data aggregation with less energy consumption than earlier strategies.
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A WSN consists of many small sensors with limited energy resources and thus, requires novel data dissemination paradigms to save the network energy. For many-to-one communication with multiple data-reporting nodes and one BS, protocols like directed diffusion (DD) (Intanagonwiwat et. al., 2003) use distance-vector-based routing. In DD approach, BS node first propagates an interest or advertisement throughout the network. By assigning a hop counter to each interested node, reverse paths are established by setting up gradients pointing to the neighbor with the lowest hop counter. The reverse paths then form a routing tree which is rooted at BS and can be used for forwarding data packets. In addition to hop counters, other forwarding metrics, which can be defined by means of gradients, are also possible.

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