Archival Issues Related to Digital Creations

Archival Issues Related to Digital Creations

Mark Kieler, Michael J. West
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59140-553-5.ch029
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The authors define “intellectual creations” as human expressions embodied in text, music, or other forms of art. Increasingly, we encode these creations in digital formats that have extremely short life cycles. Eventually, backward compatibility is lost. Thus, after very little time, a digital encoding format becomes obsolete, and intellectual works encoded in the format may become irretrievable. In contrast, the cultural worth of an intellectual creation may not be realized for generations. Additionally, future generations must access artifacts, including intellectual creations, to understand a culture in historical context. We contend that technology – intensive storage and manipulation of data may result in an inability to gain this access. Technology creators have some responsibility to facilitate future retrieval through careful documentation, and by selective maintenance of hardware that may be required to access archival media.

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