Transaction Management in Mobile Databases

Transaction Management in Mobile Databases

Ziyad Tariq Abdul-Mehdi, Ali Bin Mamat, Hamidah Ibrahim, Mustafa M. Dirs
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-058-5.ch072
(Individual Chapters)
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Recent advances in wireless communications and computer technology have provided users the opportunity to access information and services regardless of their physical location or movement behavior. In the context of database applications, these mobile users should have the ability to both query and update public, private, and corporate databases. The main goal of mobile software research is to provide as much functionality of network computing as possible within the limits of the mobile computer’s capabilities. Consequently, transaction processing and efficient update techniques for mobile and disconnected operations have been very popular. In this article, we present the main architecture of mobile transactions and the characteristics with a database perspective. Some of the extensive transaction models and transaction processing for mobile computing are discussed with their underlying assumptions. A brief comparison of the models is also included.

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