Fabric Database and Fuzzy Logic Models for Evaluating Fabric Performance

Fabric Database and Fuzzy Logic Models for Evaluating Fabric Performance

Yan Chen, Graham H. Rong, Jianhua Chen
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-058-5.ch132
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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A Web-based fabric database is introduced in terms of its physical structure, software system architecture, basic and intelligent search engines, and various display methods for search results. A fuzzy linear clustering method is used to predict fabric drape coefficient from fabric mechanical and structural properties. Experimental data indicate that fuzzy linear clustering is quite effective for this purpose. A hybrid method combining fuzzy linear clustering with K-nearest neighbor is also applied for the prediction of the fabric drape coefficient with improved prediction accuracy. The study also reveals that the fuzzy linear clustering method can also be used for predicting fabric tailorability with good prediction accuracy. Mathematical principles of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation are summarized and a typical application for assessing fabric comfort is exhibited. Through the fuzzy calculation, a single numerical value is produced to express female preferences for six fabric types for use in blouses, slacks, and underpants with respect to fabric property changes in an incremental-wear trial. Finally, a neuro-fuzzy computing technique for evaluating nonwoven fabric softness is presented. The combinational use of the fuzzy logic models (CANFIS) and the neural network method makes a significant step toward launching a fabric database application for neural network computing as a routine laboratory evaluation.

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