Amy Grzybowski

Amy Grzybowski is the Vice President of Community Relations at New England Institute of Technology. She previously served as the assistant commissioner of workforce and the executive director of the R.I. Higher Education & Industry Centers in that role she also served as the workforce development policy director for RIOPC. She was responsible for the operation of three workforce training centers. Westerly Education Center and the Woonsocket Education Center have awarded credit- and certificate-bearing postsecondary education and workforce development credentials to thousands of students. The third center, the RI Nursing Education Center, is a state-of-the-art nursing facility that houses both the University of Rhode Island and Rhode Island College nursing programs. Amy earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in administration of justice from Salve Regina University and her Ph.D. in education from the University of Rhode Island and Rhode Island College joint program. She is also an adjunct faculty member for both the Community College of Rhode Island and Roger Williams University.


Young Adults' Civic Engagement in Community-Based Organizations
Amy Grzybowski. © 2023. 19 pages.
Young adults are less civically engaged than other age groups, and have less of an awareness of community-based organizations (CBOs) and their role in communities in the United...