Beata Zofia Filipiak

Beata Zofia Filipiak is the head of the Department of Sustainable Finance and Capital Markets at the University of Szczecin, as well as a Member of the University Council of the University of Szczecin. Scholarship holder of the Flemish government the University of Antwerp in 1999. She has received scholarships from DAAD (2007-2008 and 2008-2009) and DPWS (2016-2018), Erasmus +. Beata Zofia Filipiak worked in different financials institutions and obtained the qualifications of a tax advisor in 1998. She is a Member of the Financial Sciences Committee of PAS (the Polish Academy of Sciences), Expert of The National Center for Research and Development (NCBR). She was a Expert of Polish Accreditation Commission and a board member of the Polish Association of Finance and Banking. She was involved in 26 scientific projects regarding: corporate financial strategies, financial strategies of LGU's and sustainable development. She curries out research supported by National Science Centre Poland in the scope of financing sustainable development. She has published scientific papers in high-impact international academic journals like Energies, Sustainability, Quality & Quantity, European Research Studies Journal. She serves as an editor and a reviewer for several national and international publications and regularly attends international scientific conferences in her fields of research. Since 2013 is employed as a full professor at Institute of Finance of University of Szczecin. Beata Zofia Filipiak has authored and co-authored more than 200 publications including thirty monographs. Her research interests span from financial strategies, sustainable finance, financial analysis and financial aspects of sustainable development.


Financing Regions Toward Sustainability in the Midst of Climate Change Risks and Uncertainty
Beata Zofia Filipiak, Dominika Kordela, Izabela Nawrolska. © 2023. 364 pages.
Financing Regions Toward Sustainability in the Midst of Climate Change Risks and Uncertainty is a groundbreaking book edited by Beata Zofia Filipiak, Dominika Kordela, and...
Impact of Green Taxes on the Public Financial System: An Example of European Union Countries
Beata Zofia Filipiak, Dorota Wyszkowska. © 2023. 23 pages.
The EU has become a promoter of the idea of sustainable development and a defender of the global climate, which in many sectors results in ever higher and more ambitious...
Trends and Prospects in Climate Finance
Beata Zofia Filipiak. © 2022. 22 pages.
An effective response to climate change that assures a sustainable development pathway will require a fundamental transformation towards a low carbon, climate-resilient...
Potential ESG Risks in Entities of the Healthcare System
Beata Zofia Filipiak, Marcin Kiestrzyn. © 2021. 29 pages.
The chapter presents the evolution of potential ESG risks in the healthcare sector related to striving to provide the best care for patients. Based on the literature and selected...
Impact of Green Taxes on the Public Financial System: An Example of European Union Countries
Beata Zofia Filipiak, Dorota Wyszkowska. © 2020. 24 pages.
The EU has become a promoter of the idea of sustainable development and a defender of the global climate, which in many sectors results in ever higher and more ambitious...