Dimitris Kanellopoulos

Dimitris Kanellopoulos is a member of the Educational Software Development Laboratory (ESDLab) in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Patras, Greece. He received a Diploma in Electrical Engineering and a PhD in Computer Science (multimedia communication) from the University of Patras. Since 1990, he was a research assistant in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Patras and involved in several EU R&D projects. His research interests include: multimedia communication, multimedia networks, intelligent information systems, knowledge representation and e-learning technologies. He has many publications to his credit in international journals and conferences at these areas. He serves as an editorial board member and reviewer in some refereed journals.


Intelligent Technologies for Tourism
Dimitris Kanellopoulos. © 2009. 6 pages.
Nowadays, the tourism industry is a consumer of a diverse range of information (Buhalis & O’Connor, 2005). Information communication technologies (ICTs) play a critical role for...