Inês Sousa Guedes

Inês Guedes is graduated, Master and PhD in Criminology from the Faculty of Law of the University of Porto (FDUP). Assistant Professor at the same institution, teaching in the Bachelor's and Master's Degree in Criminology. She is a founding and integrated member of the The Interdisciplinary Research Centre on Crime, Justice and Security (CJS) of FDUP and a collaborating member of the Center for Legal, Economic and Environmental Studies (CEJEA) of University of Lusiada- Norte. She is part of the Board of Directors of the International Association of Portuguese Language of Criminology. She recently edited the book Cybercrime: new challenges, offenses and solutions, published by Editora Pactor, and, in recent years, has published and given national and international conferences in the fields of fear of crime and cybercrime.


Phishing: A Theoretical Approach and the Innovative Tools
Liliana Queirós Ribeiro, Inês Guedes, Carla Cardoso. © 2023. 18 pages.
Phishing is a cybercrime in active growth that could cause several damages for its victims, such as identity theft. Specifically, in the last years, cybercrime has been of...
Hacking: Evolution, Conceptualization, and the Perpetrators
Carolina Roque, Maria Canudo, Samuel Moreira, Inês Sousa Guedes. © 2023. 25 pages.
This chapter aims to present a theoretical foundation on hacking, focusing on the perpetrator's profile, his modus operandi, and typologies. First, a conceptualization and...