María Encarnacion Carrillo García

María Encarnación Carrillo García holds a PhD in Didactics of Language and Literature. She is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Education where she trains pre-primary EFL school teachers since 2015. She has an extensive previous professional career in different educational fields. More specifically, she was an English teacher in infant and primary education for twenty years at different schools in the Region of Murcia. Afterward, she worked for four years as a Permanent Training Advisor for active teachers in the Centro de Profesores y Recursos Región de Murcia, the governmental body in charge of the permanent training of all active teachers in Murcia. Besides, she has numerous publications in the field of Language and Literature Didactics in scientific journals, in book chapters, and has participated as a speaker in several conferences in this area of knowledge.


New Approaches to the Investigation of Language Teaching and Literature
Aitor Garcés-Manzanera, María Encarnacion Carrillo García. © 2023. 374 pages.
In the last two decades, the field of language and literature teaching has experienced considerable growth as a result of the wide array of new methodological avenues that have...