Rômulo Brito Oliveira

Rômulo Brito Oliveira is a master's student in Accounting from the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), MBA in Public Accounting and Fiscal Responsibility from the Centro Universitário Internacional (UNINTER), Graduated in Accounting from the Universidade Norte do Paraná (UNOPAR),Technologist in Systems Analysis and Development from the Universidade Norte do Paraná (UNOPAR), Technician in School Secretariat by the Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia da Bahia (IFBA). He currently works as an accounting technician at the Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia da Bahia (IFBA), Eunápolis campus, where he is responsible for the Accounting, Budget and Finance Sector. His most recent studies are focused on governance and risk management in the public service.


The Secret of the Best: The Practice of Risk Management in Brazilian Educational Institutions
Rômulo Brito Oliveira, Fernando Gentil de Souza, Darlene Silva S. Santana. © 2023. 18 pages.
The theme of governance has occupied the spaces of debate and practice in public administration. The evaluation of good examples of institutional management, in the current...