Stephany Jane Veuger

Stephany Veuger is the teaching excellence lead for the department of applied sciences at Northumbria University. She enhances the education of students in biomedical, medical and pharmaceutical fields of study. Her interests are in developing student autonomy as a route to lifelong learning. Stephany leads the decolonising curriculum strand of the Northumbria decolonising network, an autonomous group and is a University member of the race consultative group.


Improving the Transition of Bioscience Students Through Teaching of Discipline Writing Practices
Stephany Jane Veuger. © 2023. 25 pages.
There is a need for examples and tools to support bioscience students in the development of their scientific writing that recognise that there is no ‘one size fits all...
Inclusive Frameworks in Online STEM Teaching and Learning
Stephany Jane Veuger, Diane Butler, Peter Wood, Andrew Potter. © 2023. 24 pages.
In recent years, many higher education providers have looked to audit the inclusivity of their learning and teaching through the use of an inclusive curriculum ‘framework,'...