AI-Based Analysis for Novel Covid-19 and Its Treatment Through Yajna and Mantra Science: An Indian Vedic Science to Cure Various Diseases

AI-Based Analysis for Novel Covid-19 and Its Treatment Through Yajna and Mantra Science: An Indian Vedic Science to Cure Various Diseases

Rohit Rastogi, Mamta Saxena, Devendra K. Chaturvedi, Mayank Gupta, Mukund Rastogi, Deepanshu Rustagi, Vansh Gaur, Vrinda Kohli, Prajwal Srivastava, Mohit Jain, Pradeep Kumar
Copyright: © 2020 |Pages: 36
DOI: 10.4018/IJRQEH.2020100106
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In the present crisis, the novel COVID-19, which started spreading from Wuhan on 29th Dec. 2019 has now taken the whole world into its grip. The Ancient Rishi and Muni were wise enough, and they knew how to kill the bacteria and virus of the atmosphere through Vedic Science of Mantra and Yajna. The present article is an effort to validate the process in a congenial and constrained environment. Through different presented concepts, we can easily understand the importance of Mantra and Yajna Sciences, and with the help of statistical tools and artificial intelligence concepts, the efficacy of this ancient Indian science has been established. The article also elaborates the effect of Vedic verses and Sanskrit sutra on human consciousness and mental health. The manuscript also shows the effect of Yajna and Mantra over the radiations of electronic gadgets. It also helps the study of ancient Hindu culture and its processes on human spiritual health and mental peace after the tearful worst stress of COVID-19 in the 21st-century world.
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Pandemics: Ayurvedic scriptures mention the causes and possible remedies for pandemics; these are compiled in the following document - based on these, some scientifically proven Treatment Approaches (including Spiritual Practices, Yagya Therapy, Ayurveda, etc.), Dietary Recommendations and Lifestyle Modifications have been suggested, as preventive measures and for immunity enhancement - The scientific mode of action of these approaches is also mentioned.

Health Issues and Challenges of Covid-19 in Global Scenario

Covid -19 Cases reported globally, Data Analysis of Covid-19 Global index is reported below under different parameters.

Below, we shall witness the Covid-19 related different graphs illustrating its comparison with other diseases (As per Figure 1).Also, the different data analysis is represented as per age based parameter to reflect that how these diseases affect the human race (As per Figure 2)(Mathers, C. et al.,2006; Pang, Z. et al.,2018).

Figure 2.

Depicts the more risk-prone persons from Covid-19 outbreak Source:


The dashboard for Novel Coronavirus - This live count keeps changing as and when it gets updated.

That gives you an idea where the virus is spreading daily. That will help you to plan your travel around the world (Marjani, M. et al., 2017) and (Mouradian, C. et al., 2017).

Corona Virus: Novel Covid 2019 Under Healthcare 4.0 Scenario

Spreading Pattern of Corona Virus

There is one thing which one needs to understand on how the virus spread: When a sick person coughs Infront of a healthy person, then the saliva drops coming out of the person's mouth get in contact with the eyes, nose or mouth of the healthy person, which causes the transfer of the coronavirus.

So, if you see someone who is visibly coughing, sneezing or is sick, then you should stand at a safe distance of 0.5m to 2m to protect you from the large droplets. Alternatively, you can give the sick person a mask to cover their mouth when they sneeze or cough, to protect other people who are standing nearby(Ai, Y. et al., 2018) and (Acharya, P. et al.,2001) and (Thakur, G. et al.,2014).

In general, it is a good idea to avoid crowds because you do not know who might be sick. People who are infected can show no symptoms of the virus, and so precaution is better(Tyagi, S. et al.,2020).

However, sometimes a sick person’s saliva can get on other things such as pen, mouse, their hands, tissues, digital equipment’s like mobile, stair bannisters, etc. Even the outside of the mask of a healthy person can get the saliva of the sick person. Moreover, when one touches any of these things, then, later on, touches their face, eyes or their loved ones then they will get sick as well the people they are meeting will get the virus. Viruses can last for 48hrs on any object. So, the only way to get rid of them is by washing these objects with soap(Acharya, P. et al.,2001) and (Acharya, D. et al.,2016) and (Nair, R. et al.,2017).

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