Flow and Threat Modelling of a Context Aware System

Flow and Threat Modelling of a Context Aware System

Umar Mahmud, Nazir Ahmad Malik
DOI: 10.4018/ijapuc.2014040105
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The production of smart, seamless and economical devices has paved the way for the development of context aware systems. Context awareness allows a system to classify the current activity based on the context as measured by the sensors present in the devices. With the presence of multiple devices and services in the environment security threats are expected. The threats can be modelled during the design phase. This article presents a flow model of a context aware system that classifies current activity based on the context. The threat modelling of the context aware system is carried out using STRIDE classification. The common countermeasures are also presented.
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1. Context Awareness

The depiction of applications, devices and human users present in an environment is first identified by Schilit and refers to the smart classification of the activity or ‘Context’ (Schilit, Hilbert, & Trevor, 2002). The context includes spatial, temporal and deduced information within an activity, describing the people, the computational devices and the services present within an environment (Mokhtar, Foumier, Georgantes, & Issamy, 2006). Context awareness is the ability of systems to identify the users context and adapt services based on their needs. Since Weiser’s vision, context aware computing has evolved from context aware applications to platforms that classify current activity based on the context (Strang & Linnhoff-Popien, 2004; Weiser, 1991; Mahmud & Javed, Context Inference Engine (CiE): Classifying Activity Of Context Using Minkowski Distance And Standard Deviation Based Ranks, 2014).

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