Kirlian Experimental Analysis and IoT: Part 2

Kirlian Experimental Analysis and IoT: Part 2

Rohit Rastogi, Mamta Saxena, Devendra K. Chaturvedi, Mayank Gupta, Akshit Rajan Rastogi, Mukund Rastogi, Ankur Sharma, Sheelu Sagar
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/IJRQEH.2021040105
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The energy measurement of different organs of the human body is essential and can be used as a warning indication of existing and future possible health issues. The pranic energy or aura of human body does not merely affect individual to himself or herself, but also it has drastic impressions on others too in a certain extent. Few studies have been done towards this direction. The article is the second part of the total content. It is an effort by the research team to logically discuss the human bioelectricity and measure the different biophysical factors and reasons for various ill symptoms. The authors have applied health sensors to capture the massive data and process it through IoT applications and concepts and subsequently compared for two subjects.
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Globalization has helped in bringing people closer around the world in many ways. Local identities which attempt to create universal forms of identity get strengthened with the help of globalization. Global consciousness is required to respond to the ethical and identity challenges which came into existence because of globalization. It requires knowledge of both the qualities, i.e. connections among individuals around the globe and also differences of humankind. It also ensures the determination of many young individuals, including students and researchers, to take moral actions reflexively. International interconnections, cultural sources and actions can be understood together with the help of globalization.

Yoga, Yagya and It’s Effects Through Inner Engineering

Yoga is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines which originated in ancient India. It is one of the six Āstika (orthodox) schools of Hindu philosophical traditions. The term Yoga in the western world often denotes a modern form of hatha yoga and yoga as exercise, consisting mainly of the postures or asanas.

Inner Engineering is offered as an intensive program for personal growth. The program and its environment establish the possibility to explore the higher dimensions of life and offer tools to engineer one's self through the inner science of yoga. Once given the tools to rejuvenate, people can optimize all aspects of health, inner growth and success. For those seeking professional and personal excellence, this program offered keys for meaningful and fulfilling relationships at work, home, community, and most importantly, within one's self.

Inner engineering can be thought of as a synthesis of holistic sciences to help participants establish an internal foundation and vision for all dimensions of life and find the necessary balance between the challenges of a hectic career and the inner longing for peace and well being.

The approach is a modern antidote to stress and presents simple but powerful processes from yogic science to purify the system and increase health and inner well being. Program components include guided meditations and transmission of the sacred ShambhaviMaha Mudra. When practiced regularly, these tools have the potential to enhance one's experience of life on many levels.


  • Optimize health and vitality

  • Reduce stress

  • Promote mental clarity and emotional balance

  • Increase and maintain high energy levels throughout the day

  • Reduce sleep & rest quota

  • Prevent chronic diseases like Asthma, Allergies, Sinusitis, Hypertension, Diabetes, Obesity, Rheumatism, Arthritis, Epilepsy, Back pain, Skin and eye ailments, Migraine


  • Increase ability to handle stressful situations

  • Enhance focus, concentration & memory

  • Raise productivity and efficiency

  • Improve communication & inter-human relationships

  • Maintain optimum levels of performance throughout the day


  • Establish a positive & open approach to life

  • Evaluate personal values and life goals

  • Generate inner peace and fulfillment

  • Transcend limitations and fears

  • Live & experience each moment to the fullest

In fostering understanding of their interiority, participants gained powerful tools to cope with the hectic pace of modern life and move into a new plane for living and working. Inner Engineering empowers participants to begin experiencing their lives to the fullest potential.

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