Performance Evaluation of Hierarchical SOAP Based Web Service in Load Balancing Cluster-Based and Non-Cluster-Based Web Server

Performance Evaluation of Hierarchical SOAP Based Web Service in Load Balancing Cluster-Based and Non-Cluster-Based Web Server

Tulshi Bezboruah, Abhijit Bora
Copyright: © 2015 |Pages: 12
DOI: 10.4018/IJIRR.2015100102
(Individual Articles)
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Evaluating the implementation techniques of web service and analysing their performance in load balancing cluster-based and non-cluster-based web server is necessary from the perspective of web service developer, researchers as well as users. As such the authors propose to develop and implement a SOAP based hierarchical web service using load balancing cluster-based and non-cluster based Apache Tomcat web server to study the web service performance metrics. The performance of overall system is tested using the load testing tool Mercury Load runner and a comparative investigation is carried out using the stability, load and performance metrics of both services. In this paper, the authors present, in detail, the methodology of experiment, comparative testing results, and statistical analysis on performance metrics.
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Kohlhoff and Steele (2003) described an experimental evaluation of SOAP performance using realistic business application. Matjaz et al. (2005) illustrated an analysis on performance metrics and a comparative study of WS and remote method invocation (RMI) using Windows and Linux platform. Chen et al. (2006) conducted a study on WS performance behaviors and developed a simple performance model that can be used to estimate WS latencies. Meng et al. (2009) presented an analysis about traditional WS and RESTful WS and designed a testing scheme to test and analyze the performance. Hou et al (2010) presented a study on the performance of SOAP based WS using Java platform and suggested to improve the performance of WS by optimizing the SOAP messages through SOAP compression, client side caching, server-side caching and multilevel cache. Bora and Bezboruah (2013) had presented the performance of hierarchical WS using 5000 dataset. Bora and Bezboruah (2014) had evaluated statistically the performance of hierarchical WS using 10000 dataset. Bora and Bezboruah (2014) had implemented WS security policies in the hierarchical WS and evaluated their impact on performance metrics.

This work is unique from the previous work as we have performed a comparative investigation on performance and stability of WS using load balancing cluster-based and non cluster-based web servers. The novelty of this work is its’ emphasizes on overall performance of hierarchical WS from end users point of view, simply by monitoring the performance metrics of the system.

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