Regionalization as a Factor of Agriculture Development of the Republic of Serbia

Regionalization as a Factor of Agriculture Development of the Republic of Serbia

Anton Puškaric, Jonel Subic, Bojana Bekic
Copyright: © 2013 |Pages: 9
DOI: 10.4018/ijsem.2013010105
(Individual Articles)
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Identified trends of all systems evolution indicate the fact that strategic planning of development, as managerial decision which defines goals, and planned decision on how to realize determined goals, is not possible without insight into actual situation in the regions, municipalities and local communities. Regionalization can contribute to interactive usefulness, i.e. it can be useful for the one who spatially defined areas makes available for investors and it can be useful for investors, due to acceptability of economic environment. Institutional harmonization of competences can only contribute to entire development. Changes and regionalization, as a result of reasonable and unique strategic development policy, will contribute to improvement of entire economy, agriculture diversification and rural community activation. These processes can be harmonized with positive-legal regulative brought and conducted by the state institutions (politics, legal factors, financial taxes, harmonization of technological standards with ecological standards), with aim to prevent social and market imbalance (stagnation, recession, decline of morality, unfair competition).
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State Of Rural Areas

Devastated agriculture; small and extremely limited agriculture budged; legislative regarding agricultural activities regulation, which contributes to confusion of project realization related to agriculture improvement; grey economy; lack of official purchase centers, lack of interest in banks regarding agriculture sustainability and other multifunctional activities; lack of unique bank for agriculture development and export of its newly created real value; only declarative interest of system institutions regarding improvement of environmental conditions for economy are only some of the discouraging factors of production. Stated limitations delay production expansion, which inevitably impact development and growth of rural areas.

City-village migrations, especially if they are caused mainly by economic reasons, are not the problem of the local community. Migrations are social category and they are entirely caused by economic factors in the case of Serbia. Importance of migrations management „falls on the shoulders“ of the State, but only formally. Basically, although not legally regulated, this is under power of local authorities. So, expert analysis of the causes and justification of migration trend is necessary. First, because in that areas there is a disturbance of sex-age population structure, which by its self imposes traditional norms and specific culture, and to which potential city-village migrants have aversion, regardless on their origin. Second, so far the case was that to life in these areas usually aim persons with less vital and intellectual strengths, which questions necessary developmental agriculture processes. Third, profit-oriented citizens in these areas do not have appropriate business environment nor do they feel business safety, from the reason of enabled brokerage and cartel activities in all segments of production cycles, regardless on the type of the rural products.

This ascertainment certainly does not deny the need to populate so far neglected rural areas, but indicates the necessity to institutionally solve this problem. Village and rural areas should not be alternative areas of living, especially now. Concept of rural areas dynamic development, if it is really strategic determination of agriculture policy creators and their goal, is possible to conduct, of course with the help of the State, mainly through significant investments and through sustainable and clear normative-legal regulative of relations between all actors in production chain, processing and sale of newly created real value, originated from agriculture and its compatible multifunctional activities (handicraft trades, tourism, folk arts etc.). In conditions which are characteristic for the Republic of Serbia, agriculture should be the basis of overall economy stabilization.

In the Republic of Serbia there are healing thermal waters, preserved fertile soil, possibility of health safe food production in accordance with organic principles, autochthonous seed material, traditional technology in production of autochthonous food products etc. Stated characteristics are the basis of sustainable rural development of the Republic of Serbia (Cvijanović et al., 2011orSubic et al., 2012).

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