Task Modelling of Sports Events for Personalized Video Streaming Data in Augmentative and Alternative Communication

Task Modelling of Sports Events for Personalized Video Streaming Data in Augmentative and Alternative Communication

Lei Zheng, Zhiqiang Jia, Hui Guan, Liang Ma, Karthik Chandran, K. Deepa Thilak
DOI: 10.4018/IJMDEM.2021100101
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Augmentative and alternative messaging systems will allow people to speak to improve sports skills and increase engagement and participation in everyday activities. It is an effective tool that can provide people with more control over contact and minimize dissatisfaction. Augmentative and alternative communication's challenging characteristics include lack of sports learning, social interaction, and lack of participation in sports events. In this paper, video-based augmentative communication design (V-BACD) has been proposed to enhance sports learning, facilitate social interaction, and increase society's participation in communication partners. The communication matrix coding technique is implemented to improve sports knowledge and encourage social contact between partners. Community temporal analysis is introduced to strengthen society engagement in the communication partner in an event. The simulation analysis is performed based on accuracy, performance, and efficiency and proves the proposed framework's reliability.
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Introduction To Augmentative And Alternative Communication And Sports

Develops in low-energy Bluetooth technologies (BLE) have contributed to several accomplishments in diverse fields of operation such as education and intelligent lifestyle (Schmidt et al. 2019; Manogaran et al.2020; Thirumanickam et al.2019). This finding has offered the American public many comforts and has also given individuals interaction issues, multiple options, and future rewards (Naeem et al, 2020). Human interaction is a well-being area that tests people's activity and impairment and society, as per the World Health Organization (WHO) (Khan et al.2020). Communicators with challenges and those with behavioural illnesses, schizophrenia, speech problems, and neurological problems globally cover an undeniable community (Yakubova et al.2020). They make up about 1.3% of the global workforce. Particularly in individuals, cognitive disorders are much more pronounced than their socially established classmates (Bharti et al.2007; Chi et al.2019; Ahmad et al. 2014).

Individuals with advanced communication criteria have no intellectual or motor activities needed for daily speech. They also have to focus on Actions (augmentative and alternative communication) to complement their communication skills—approaches other than voice and text that accommodate developmental disabilities (Gupta et al.2020; Kang et al.2019; Sud et al.2020). In the early 1980s, AAC started its form, emphasizing integrative cross-domain study into aided AAC technological advances, including exterior materials or computers, such as photo board picking visual elements (Yassine et al.2020). Online AAC tools for communication and learning disabilities are now on the rise (Ke et al.2018; Huifeng et al.2020).

In school, ASD children have complex demands for communicating their urgent interests and cultural interactions in the everyday learning process (Kellems et al.2018; Slagter et al.2013). For the welfare programs and skills development, therefore, successful AAC interventions are needed. The biggest problem for consumers with mood disorders remains unsolved despite the expanded awareness and several approved AAC services and technologies (Waheed et al.2020). People with an ID, for example, have substantial recall deficiencies and trouble choosing the AAC sign. It is comparatively restricted to use the AAC sponsored by the ID community (Chang et al.2019). Pursue the matter in the Nation. For instance, only 1.25 percent of users used assisted AAC as the primary medium of contact in intelligence and cognitive disabilities (Ulusar et al.2017); only about 4.4 percent of people in specific education institutions rely on AAC for their regular discussions (Kurnaz et al.2018). However, roughly 58.6 percent of the ID community have been considered to associate through basic conceptual methods, including hand signals (Colmenar et al.2014). AAC began its formation in the early 1980s, emphasizing integrative cross-domain research on helping AAC achieve technical progress, like exterior materials or machines, such as pictures of photo boards. Contact and learning handicapped online AAC resources are increasing (Jolfaei et al.2019).

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