Internationalization of Sport Events Through Branding Opportunities

Internationalization of Sport Events Through Branding Opportunities

Jaskirat Singh, Amandeep Singh, Maher Itani
Pages: 300
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-4038-7
ISBN13: 9798369340387|ISBN13 Softcover: 9798369349892|EISBN13: 9798369340394
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Contemporary sports have transformed from event entertainment activities that bring people together to a lucrative business sparking sport fans to engage and share content on social media. A successful sport event promotes the visibility of sponsors' brands, cultivates a dedicated following for participating teams, generates income for its organizers, and enhances the financial gains and popularity of star players. Branding a sporting event has emerged as an indispensable element in the strategy formulation for any sport business and an imperative actionable step to overcome competitors. Sport event branding is the process of building a distinctive visual identity, message, and image for the event. It aims to ensure that the sport event is easily recognizable, and inscriptive in the minds of sports consumers. Players are not merely athletes; they are individuals who possess a high level of conceptual knowledge and expertise in their respective fields. Sponsors do not only anticipate the presence of branding at venues but also seek active involvement from fans. They organize a prosperous event to provide a distinctive and cutting-edge brand experience for sports enthusiasts. By bringing together international teams and renowned players, organizers can ensure a high level of competition and excitement for sports enthusiasts. Additionally, partnering with sponsors allows for the integration of innovative branding strategies and fan engagement activities, creating a truly immersive experience that goes beyond the game itself.


The combination of skill, passion, and strategic marketing efforts makes sport tournaments a powerful platform for brand promotion and community engagement. Once the branding strategy of a tournament is carefully designed and then effectively executed, it generates high returns among sport consumers, organizers, players, and sponsors for the forthcoming event. The branding of the event will increase ticket sales for the event. Moreover, the manifestation of fan avidity in branding strategy is central to the success of a sports event. A fan holds immense significance to organizers, participating teams, players, and sponsors. A primary source of revenue is derived from fans when they actively participate in a sporting event or support a team. During competitive leagues and well-organized sporting tournaments, teams dispatch their most skilled athletes to compete in thrilling live matches. Sponsors will have a valuable opportunity to enhance brand visibility through visual displays, navigation, and other signage within the venue. Sports community development is effective due to its ability to cultivate a fervent following of dedicated enthusiasts who are deeply passionate about the game while also including aspects of allure, commerce, and ingenuity. The players excelled at capturing the attention of sports consumers and expanding their fan base. Additionally, the players' exceptional performances not only captivate sports consumers but also attract media coverage, further amplifying their fan base and increasing exposure for sponsors.


The primary active members of the sporting event comprise individuals who possess an avid interest in a type of sport, specific sports team, or particular player. They are the audience who will observe, and participate in the event to align themselves with the most popular team or the standout performer of the event. They endorse or purchase the offerings of the event promoter who serves as a sponsor for products, players, teams, or events. Evenly, players of the teams take part in the competition and contribute to the team's brand building. They have the opportunity to showcase their skills to the audience and gain fan support. The last engaged sport member is the event organizer who is responsible for enhancing the experience of the fans by offering visual engagement solutions such as signage, stage branding, field of play components, and other high-quality peripheral services including parking, food, sanitation, fan management, and the perception of crowding within the stadium. All identified members work together to create a cohesive and immersive fan experience. Fan support creates a sense of community and loyalty, while brand sponsorship adds credibility and financial support to the team or event. Finally, the event organizer ensures that every aspect of the fan experience is carefully curated and executed, leaving a lasting impression on attendees.

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Editor/Author Biographies

Amandeep Singh has done BIT MBA PhD and he is also UGC-NET qualified. Currently, he is working as Professor Chitkara Business School, Chitkara University, Punjab, India. He is having more than 14 years of teaching experience. He has served as Dean / Principal in various reputed Universities and colleges. He has published 28 research papers in various journals and conferences. He has also chaired many National and International Conferences. He is on the editorial board for 3 International Journals. He was awarded as the Best Teacher in 2008.

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