Security and Strategy Models for Key-Solving Institutional Frameworks

Security and Strategy Models for Key-Solving Institutional Frameworks

Pages: 300
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-5583-1
ISBN13: 9798369355831|ISBN13 Softcover: 9798369355848|EISBN13: 9798369355855
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Description & Coverage
I) The International Political Context

Strategic and geopolitical developments can significantly affect entrepreneurship and innovation. Positively and surely affect the international security architecture landscape. Policy and Business decisions combined shape the global business environment, influencing market dynamics and affecting trade and investment opportunities. Depending on the strategic, security, and geopolitical developments, entrepreneurs need to know What is taking place, how to navigate these geopolitical factors, which affect national or peripheral or global decisions for governments and hence, policies of both the public and private sectors. At the same time, there is a need to adapt and digitally synchronize to ongoing changing circumstances. This book combines security and strategy with business, innovation, and entrepreneurial understanding. This book contains multiple case studies, multidisciplinary approaches, and processes. It will be based on various empirical work and the capability to risk assess and analyze the combination of business, security, innovation, strategy, and entrepreneurial need to comprehend that all things are now interrelated. Here are some ways in which geopolitical developments may influence entrepreneurship and innovation:

Market Access and Entry Barriers:

Ongoing, newly born, or emerging security and geopolitical tensions lead to trade security, barriers, tariffs, and sanctions issues. They affect the ease of market access for all businesses, entrepreneurs and the movement of goods and services. It affects logistics. And surely any long-term war-like situation destroy local market and peripheral market economies. Political instability and continued or emerging small or more significant regional and international conflicts may create uncertainties, making it challenging for “doing business”. Innovators and Entrepreneurs to enter or operate in a global or peripheral scale.

Supply Chain Disruptions:

Geopolitical events, such as trade wars or regional conflicts, can disrupt global supply chains, affecting the availability and cost of raw materials and components. Entrepreneurs may need to diversify their supply chains, consider local sourcing, or develop contingency plans to mitigate risks.

Regulatory Changes:

Geopolitical developments often lead to changes in regulations, tax policies, and business environments. Entrepreneurs must stay informed about regulatory shifts that could affect their industries and adapt their strategies to remain compliant and competitive.

Access to Capital:

Geopolitical uncertainties does affect but surely makes it clear that there is a need for ongoing, past and forecasting future methods to positively influence investor confidence, affecting the availability of funding for startups and entrepreneurs and overall doing business in all socio-economic and security fields as well, to add. Technology, health, and tourism, among others. Economic sanctions or financial market fluctuations do affect the markets. But if not operated with a political plan of reconstructive market economy in a globalized and multidimensional world, this may limit access to capital, requiring entrepreneurs to explore alternative funding sources. Furthermore, such topics create an issue with financial fraudulent activities.

Cultural Sensitivity and Market Perception:

Business entrepreneurs operating in diverse global markets must be attuned to cultural and political nuances to avoid inadvertently offending local populations. Risk Assessments in the world of political decision-making and security affairs is required. Multiple examples we can take from Latin America to Africa, to the Middle East and Arab World to Central and South Asia and Oceania. Geopolitical developments shape financial and public perceptions. This affects communities and countries and surely affects consumer behavior and brand reputation. More so, taking sides in ongoing security siutations or open war-like situation (Israel-Palestine, Gaza issues) do affect brands such as Mac-donalds or Starbucks. The book will seek to examine such cases and analyze possible options and the perspective of digital marketing propaganda and how to overcome it in a world of business.

Technology and Innovation:

Geopolitical rivalries may restrict the exchange of technology and intellectual property, affecting innovation. At the same time looking forward for more divergence between technology and security, safety and risk management. But also faster service provides affecting from the logistical world of delivery of goods to the services and collaboration between trade partners. FDIs and regulations adopted may negatively affect issues considering emerging security issues. Entrepreneurs and businesspeople must adhere to policy issues of governments, alliances, and trade agreements. Navigate export controls, intellectual property laws, and data protection regulations.

Global Economic Trends:

Geopolitical events influence economic trends, such as inflation, currency exchange rates, and interest rates, which can affect the cost of doing business. Entrepreneurs need to monitor and adapt to these economic shifts to maintain financial sustainability. Risk assessments and forecasting is important.

Opportunities in Emerging Markets:

Geopolitical developments can create new opportunities in emerging markets as political landscapes evolve and consumer behaviors change. Entrepreneurs who can identify and capitalize on these opportunities may gain a competitive advantage. In summary, geopolitical developments have far-reaching implications for entrepreneurship, influencing market dynamics, risk factors, and strategic decision-making. Entrepreneurs should stay informed about geopolitical trends and be agile in adapting their business strategies to navigate the challenges and capitalize on emerging opportunities.

II) Entrepreneurship and Social Cultural Changes

Entrepreneurship is deeply intertwined with social and cultural changes, as it both reflects and influences the values, attitudes, and behaviors within a society. Here are several ways in which entrepreneurship is impacted by social and cultural changes:

Cultural Shifts and Consumer Preferences:

Entrepreneurs must be attuned to changes in cultural norms and consumer preferences. Shifts in values, lifestyles, and societal expectations can create new business opportunities or render existing ones obsolete. For example, the growing emphasis on sustainability and ethical consumption has led to the rise of eco-friendly businesses and products.

Technology and Social Media Influence:

The rise of technology and social media has transformed communication and marketing. Entrepreneurs leverage social platforms to connect with consumers, build brand awareness, and gather feedback. Cultural phenomena and trends spread rapidly through social media, influencing consumer behavior and providing opportunities for entrepreneurs to tap into emerging markets.

Diversity and Inclusion:

Increasing awareness and importance of diversity and inclusion in society have prompted entrepreneurs to focus on creating businesses that reflect and celebrate diversity. There is a growing demand for products and services that cater to diverse consumer needs, and businesses embracing inclusivity often enjoy a competitive advantage.

Changing Workforce Dynamics:

Social and cultural changes impact the expectations and preferences of the workforce. Entrepreneurs may need to adapt their management styles, workplace cultures, and benefits packages to attract and retain talent. The rise of remote work and flexible schedules, influenced by cultural shifts, has also prompted entrepreneurial ventures to reconsider traditional workplace structures.

Health and Wellness Trends:

Societal emphasis on health and wellness has led to a surge in businesses offering organic, natural, and health-focused products and services. Entrepreneurs capitalize on trends related to fitness, mental health, and well-being, aligning their offerings with changing consumer priorities.

Social Entrepreneurship:

There is a growing trend towards social entrepreneurship, where businesses prioritize social or environmental impact alongside financial success. Entrepreneurs are developing business models that address societal challenges, such as poverty, inequality, and environmental sustainability.

Cultural Sensitivity and Globalization:

Entrepreneurs operating on a global scale must navigate cultural nuances and adapt their products or services to local preferences. Cultural awareness is crucial for successful international business ventures, ensuring products resonate with diverse audiences.

Evolving Family Structures:

Changes in family structures and dynamics influence consumer behavior and market demands. Entrepreneurs may need to consider the diverse needs of different family types in their product and service offerings.

Rapid Urbanization: Urbanization trends impact the demand for certain products and services. Entrepreneurs often find opportunities in catering to the needs of urban populations, such as innovative transportation solutions or urban farming. Economic Disparities and Social Impact:

Entrepreneurs are increasingly focusing on businesses with a social impact, addressing economic disparities and contributing to community development. Social enterprises and initiatives that prioritize giving back to society are gaining popularity. In conclusion, entrepreneurship is intricately connected to social and cultural changes. Successful entrepreneurs are those who can identify and respond to shifts in societal values, preferences, and expectations, aligning their ventures with the evolving needs of their target audiences.

III) Objectives

Examine the Impact of security issues considering strategic and geopolitical challenges on Business, Innovation and Entrepreneurial Ventures:

Provide an in-depth analysis of how geopolitical developments influence the landscape for entrepreneurs. Explore specific examples of businesses that have thrived or faced challenges due to geopolitical factors.

Guide Entrepreneurs in Navigating Global Challenges: Offer practical insights and advice for entrepreneurs facing geopolitical uncertainties. Provide strategies for mitigating risks, adapting business models, and capitalizing on opportunities in a changing geopolitical environment.

Highlight Case Studies, Empirical and Success Stories:

Share real-world case studies of entrepreneurs who have successfully navigated geopolitical challenges. Illustrate the strategies they employed and the lessons learned from their experiences.

Explore the Role of innovation in the security and strategic geopolitical context:

Investigate how innovation and entrepreneurship can contribute to addressing geopolitical challenges. Showcase examples of businesses that have used innovative approaches to thrive in complex geopolitical landscapes.

Discuss Regulatory Implications and options for policy governments, for businesses, trade associations and entrepreneurs:

Examine the impact of geopolitical developments on regulations affecting entrepreneurs. Discuss how changes in trade policies, sanctions, and international relations can create opportunities or pose challenges for businesses.

Address Cultural Sensitivity in Global Business in a global shift of powers:

Explore the cultural aspects of entrepreneurship in the context of geopolitics. Discuss how entrepreneurs can navigate diverse cultural landscapes, build international partnerships, and tailor their products/services to global audiences.

Provide a Global Perspective on Entrepreneurial Ecosystems:

Compare and contrast entrepreneurial ecosystems in different regions of the world. Evaluate how geopolitical factors contribute to the development or hindrance of thriving entrepreneurial communities.

Discuss Technology and Geopolitical Innovation:

Analyze the role of technology in shaping and responding to geopolitical changes. Explore how advancements in technology impact entrepreneurship, trade, and international collaboration.

Examine the Impact of economic sanctions and antifraudulent activities, as security perspectives, on business innovation and entrepreneurship:

Delve into the effects of economic sanctions on entrepreneurs and businesses from security affairs. Discuss strategies that we may pioneer and innovate. Entrepreneurs to navigate and thrive in environments characterized by sanctions.

Consider Environmental and Social Responsibility:

Address the responsibility of entrepreneurs in contributing to Green policies: environmental sustainability and inclusivity between security, strategy, innovation and business (which includes all possible levels of affected societal structures. Explore how businesses can align their goals with broader societal and environmental objectives.

Offer Predictions and Future Trends:

Provide insights into potential future geopolitical developments and their implications. Forecasting with accuracy of data information. Based on processes and multi-disciplinary approaches. The book will discuss emerging future trends through security and strategies, innovation and allow pioneering methods proposals that can positively affect policy, political affairs, business and entrepreneurs combined.

Target a Diverse Audience:

Tailor the book for a multidisciplinary, diverse audience, including experts, young and old, in security and strategy, international affairs, law and environmental affairs, business and trade, innovation and entrepreneurial processes, professional experts and policymakers, and anyone interested in the intersection and multidisciplinary approach of strategy, security with innovation, business and entrepreneurship.

Coverage forthcoming
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Editor/Author Biographies
Marios Panagiotis Efthymiopoulos is associate professor of international security and strategy. He is currently the Head of the Department of History, Politics, and International Studies at Neapolis University Pafos in Cyprus. He is also the Executive Director, of Strategy International (SI) Ltd. His has worked in the past in the UAE, in the American University in the Emirates as Dean of the College of Security and Global Studies, and the Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research (ECSSR). Other former professional and scientific/academic positions include the Harriman Institute, of Columbia University in New York, Johns Hopkins University Center for Transatlantic Relations, George Washington University Business School and European Center, the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars, in Washington DC USA. Dr. Efthymiopoulos, has authored numerous books in English and Greek, co-edited books, scientific articles SCOPUS based. Has been awarded his PhD from the University of Crete in Greece, from the Political Science Department. His PhD was on NATO’s New Strategic Concept and NATO-Russia Relations (2008). He obtained, NATO’s Defense College Diploma (Senior Course 105), including the Integrated PfP/OSCE Course 04/02 in Rome Italy (2005), specializing on international security, military and strategic affairs. He holds a master’s in advanced international studies (M.A.I.S) from the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, Austria (2003) and a BA(Hons) in International Relations and Politics, from the University of Lincolnshire and Humberside (today University of Lincoln), from Lincoln, UK (2001). Orchid ID: 0000-0002-2277-0941
Dr Andreas Masouras is Assistant Professor at Neapolis University in the fields of Marketing and Communication. He holds a PhD (Honors) from the Department of Political Science and International Relations of the University of the Peloponnese. The title of his doctoral dissertation is “Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness through the lens of the Institutional Analysis: The Case of Cyprus”. His doctoral thesis is posted in the National Archive of Doctoral Theses. Also, he holds an MPhil from Brighton University (Media Management). He is pursuing his postdoctoral research at the University of Western Macedonia in the field of entrepreneurship. He studied at the Department of Communication and Mass Media of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (BA). He then continued his postgraduate studies at the University of South Wales, where he received a MSc in Globalisation, Media and Culture. Also, he holds a Postgraduate Certificate (PgCert) in Research Methodologies from Brighton University and Postgraduate Diploma (PgDip) in Management from the Northern Council for Further Education (NCFE). He holds a degree in Law (LLB) with Honors. Member of the Cyprus Bar Association. He is a founding member and Head of the Research Institute of Applied Communication in Cyprus. Andreas has been a Visiting Research Fellow at Antwerp University in Belgium, at the Central European University in Hungary and at Fordham University, NY. He is a visiting researcher at several other universities. Main researcher of the Centre of International & European Political Economy & Governance – CIEPEG of the University of Peloponnese. Member of the Scientific Council, as an external visitor, of the Centre of the Study of Media and Culture in Small Nations of the University of South Wales. He is a distance tutor of Webster University (Missouri, USA) and the Hellenic Open University. Dr Masouras actively writes a series of scientific articles while he is constantly involved in remarkable international conferences where he presents his research. His latest book, “Entrepreneurship in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises,” is released by the American publishing house Nova (Scopus indexed). Indicative research project: Masouras, A., Maris, G., & Kavoura, A. (Eds.). (2020). Entrepreneurial Development and Innovation in Family Businesses and SMEs. IGI Global. Pistikou, V., Masouras, A., & Komodromos, M. (Eds.). (2021). Handbook of Research on Future Policies and Strategies for Nation Branding. IGI Global. Masouras, A., Papademetriou, C., Belias, D., & Anastasiadou, S. (Eds.). (2023). Sustainable Growth Strategies for Entrepreneurial Venture Tourism and Regional Development. IGI Global.
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