A Conceptual Framework Proposal for Digital Maturity Assessment and Sustainability for Municipalities

A Conceptual Framework Proposal for Digital Maturity Assessment and Sustainability for Municipalities

Gizem Turcan, Erman Coşkun, Mehtap Özşahin
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0798-4.ch004
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Digital maturity, which emerges as evaluating the digitalization level of businesses and municipalities and guiding them for the digital transformation process, is a very comprehensive concept that has been emphasized in the literature recently. This study provides a conceptual model for assessing the digital maturity of a municipality and analyzing the relationship between digital maturity and the sustainability of the municipality. The study proposes parameters from literature and customizes them based on specifications to determine different dimensions of municipality digital maturity and develops hypotheses to assess digital maturity dimensions and sustainability relations for a city or municipality. The study is also aiming to create a reliable and tested conceptual framework for the assessment of municipal digital maturity and the relationship between this maturity level and the sustainability of the municipality.
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In the wake of an unprecedented digital revolution, municipalities worldwide are facing the significant consequences of embracing technology in the pursuit of not only operational efficiency but also sustainable urban development. The integration of digital technologies into the fabric of municipal governance has become a crucial element in effectively managing the complexities of modern urban landscapes. However, the prevailing challenge bases not only in the adoption of these technologies but in effectively coordinating an integration between digital maturity and sustainability imperatives.

This paper presents a conceptual framework for assessing digital transformation that goes beyond conventional boundaries. We contend that a municipality's digital maturity should not be limited to the technology alone; it should involve a comprehensive assessment of organizational adaptability, citizen engagement, and a strong commitment to environmental sustainability. By affording due consideration to these multi-faceted dimensions, our framework aims to provide municipalities with a comprehensive set of tools to navigate the evolving landscape of digital transformation and urban governance. At the heart of this proposal lies the recognition that sustainable urban development is associated with digital maturity. The strategic utilization of digital technologies becomes crucial in the pursuit of efficient resource allocation, robust infrastructure, and equal accessibility to services as urban areas see rapid growth in population and complexity. Moreover, the demands of sustainability are significant, necessitating a collective effort to integrate digital solutions that not only enhance efficiency but also minimize ecological footprints and improving social sustainability in the city.

Sustainability is the ability of an organization to maintain its operations and success over time while decreasing negative impacts on the environment, society, and economy. It involves equipping organizations with the management, skills, global perspectives, and strategies necessary to the unique challenges facing organizations (Goodland, 1995; Kupilas et al., 2023). The scope of sustainability extends beyond the implementation of measures that yield economic and cultural advantages by promoting environmental responsibility. Instead, sustainability can also be an end in itself without further justifications. In order to attain organizational sustainability, organizations must integrate sustainability into the core of their operations in order to get the necessary knowledge and capabilities to implement sustainable practices on a large scale. Organizational sustainability refers to the ability of an organization to maintain its operations and success over time while minimizing negative impacts on the environment, society, and economy (Linnenluecke & Griffiths, 2010).

Municipalities are local governments that possess legal recognition and possess the authority for self-governance or jurisdiction, as granted by national and regional laws to which they are subordinate. Municipalities are usually a single administrative division, such as towns, villages, or other local government units. These divisions are established as municipal corporations through the issue of a municipal charter by the state. Digital maturity assessment of municipalities is similar to the assessment of organizations. Digital maturity assessments are widely regarded as valuable tools for gaining insight into an organization's existing degree of maturity in the digital realm, as well as for identifying strategies to advance and accelerate digital transformation efforts. The assessment of digital maturity in municipalities is based on the same principles as the assessment of digital maturity in organizations. The assessment aims to evaluate the degree of digital transformation and identify areas for improvement. The proposed framework for digital maturity assessment and sustainability for municipalities will be developed based on existing models such as the Digital Transformation Maturity Model, Digital Maturity Index for local governments, and the Best-Worst Method. The framework will offer precise methodologies and evaluation criteria to assist local governments in effectively tackling the obstacles associated with digital transformation and sustainability. By using this framework, municipalities can evaluate their digital maturity and sustainability and make informed decisions to foster their digital transformation.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Smart City: A city that leverages digital technology to improve the quality of life for its residents, focusing on areas such as transportation, healthcare, and urban development.

Sustainability: The practice of using resources in a way that meets the needs of the current generation while ensuring that future generations can still fulfill their own requirements, encompassing environmental, social, and economic aspects.

Digital Transformation: The process of adopting and implementing digital technology by an organization to create new or modify existing goods, services, and operations, aiming to increase value through innovation, experience, and efficiency.

Digital Maturity: The phenomenon of evaluating an organization's capacity to generate value using digital technology, assessing its current level of digital efficacy, and providing a clear roadmap for transformation.

Urban Development: The process of planning and managing the growth and development of cities, aiming to create sustainable and livable urban environments for residents.

Digital Maturity Assessment: An evaluation of an organization's digital maturity across various dimensions and facilitating them to understand their starting point and build a reliable foundation for digital transformation.

Digital Maturity-Sustainability Relation: The connection between an organization's digital maturity and its commitment to sustainability by ensuring that digital initiatives have a positive impact on the environment, economy, and society.

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