AI and Machine Learning Applications to Enhance Customer Support

AI and Machine Learning Applications to Enhance Customer Support

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7105-0.ch015
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The aim of this study is to investigate the applications of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) techniques in customer support and to make recommendations for future research directions. Based on that, this study analyzed the articles linked to both AI and ML in customer service published on various scientific platforms using a systematic literature review methodology. The findings suggested that different types of AI and ML approaches are helpful for organizations in providing improved customer support and service for different sub-issues in different dimensions (integrated product service offerings, word of mouth, service excellence, and self-service technology) of customer support. The current study also provides businesses with helpful knowledge about how AI and ML technologies may be used to enhance customer service. Practitioners might also get advice from the current study on the need for further crucial measures and improvements.
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According to Martn et al. (2022), in this digital era, information is constantly received and processed everywhere, from a variety of sources, for a variety of purposes and industries. In this regard, machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) are crucial in transforming raw data into usable predictions and recommendations to enhance domains such as corporate operations and citizens' overall lives. When brands combine analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning, they are in a much better position to improve customer service at every touchpoint and build satisfying emotional connections (ML).

AI is a discipline of computer science that uses machine learning to swiftly draw conclusions from data patterns, providing computers with a platform to manage vast amounts of data (Hossain and Rahman, 2022). ML, on the other hand, gives computers the ability to learn how to learn by applying self-defining algorithms, as well as respond to desired needs or human behavior. And, without a doubt, these advancements are game changers for modern life and quick business judgments. AI is concerned with constructing intelligent machines that can think and act like humans, according to Haleem et al. (2022). It offers tremendous chances in a variety of businesses. The coming of AI has either worried or fascinated every industry mentioned. AI builds intelligent robots and systems that can think and react in the same way that people do. This technology has been named the “next step” in the industrial revolution. Most of today's problems are thought to be solved by AI and ML.

Machine learning enables systems to automatically learn from experience and improve without the need for explicit programming (Hossain et al., 2022). This may improve brand reputation, customer loyalty, and customer service while freeing up workers to focus on more challenging or valued tasks. A machine-learning model, for example, can be trained on previous client tickets to assist the customer. According to Syed et al. (2022), there are several applications of AI and ML in our daily lives that are growing over time in practically all industries. Self-driving cars, real-time machine translation, smartphones, and self-talking virtual personal assistants like Siri and Alexa, among other things, are instances of AI and ML that are making our lives easier than ever before. Artificial intelligence is employed in a variety of ways in today's culture. because of its adaptability and capacity to efficiently manage complex difficulties in a wide range of fields such as agriculture, e-commerce, navigation, chatbots, marketing, robotics, social media, and so on.

AI comes in a multitude of forms. AI can work alongside human support employees to tackle basic tasks, freeing them up to deal with more complex challenges (Hossain and Rahman, 2022). AI technology such as chatbots can swiftly understand voice triggers and provide relevant information and direction without the need for human workers. Another way AI is being integrated into customer service is through data collection and analysis (Hossain et al., 2022). AI may steer a user down a path that is in accordance with the organization's aims by deploying smart AI, intelligent email marketing, interactive web design, and other digital marketing services. ML, a subset of AI, is concerned with computer programs that retrieve data and utilize it to learn independently, according to Haleem et al. (2022). It gathers information from numerous sources, such as social media accounts, menus, online reviews, and websites. The information is then used by AI to create and deliver content that is relevant to the audience. Businesses may better utilize available data and reach out to potential customers with appealing advertising at more convenient times by incorporating AI into their marketing plan.

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