Antenna Identification and Power Allocation in Multicell Massive MIMO Downstream: Energy Conservation Under User Sum-Rate Constraint

Antenna Identification and Power Allocation in Multicell Massive MIMO Downstream: Energy Conservation Under User Sum-Rate Constraint

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2003-7.ch001
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This chapter discusses algorithmic energy conservation in multi-cell multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) downstream transmission. The authors propose using adaptive particle swarm optimization (APSO) to reduce the optimization issue. By framing the issue as a limited optimization assignment, they present a solid framework that allocates transmission power levels to antennas to maximize energy efficiency and meet network customers' quality of service. To evaluate the technique, they simulated various network settings with different user distributions and channel conditions. The approach outperforms previous energy-saving methods without losing the whole network sum rate, increasing energy efficiency significantly. By using optimal antenna components and the best fitness value, the proposed APSO model guarantees better power allocation schemes in wireless environments than current approaches.
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2. System Model

Using a widely dispersed MIMO radar network with broadcast and receives antennas, consider 2D target localization N and M, respectively, stand for the sets of transmitters and receivers. For each n in N, write 979-8-3693-2003-7.ch001.m01 for nN to indicate the location of the nth transmit antenna and the mth reception antenna.

As 979-8-3693-2003-7.ch001.m02(1)

979-8-3693-2003-7.ch001.m03 Indicate where the target is located. For 𝜑n for nN and 𝜑n for receiver antenna mM, the angle between the transmit antenna (n) and the target is given by φ_n. With a low pass equivalent of t_n (s), a sequence of orthogonal waveforms is communicated, where Sn is the duration of the nth transmitted signal and tn(s) where 979-8-3693-2003-7.ch001.m04. The transmitted power of the nth waveform is shown by 979-8-3693-2003-7.ch001.m05s, whereas the effective bandwidth of the waveform is represented by 𝛽n. We provide a collection of binary variables. Let979-8-3693-2003-7.ch001.m06. Where, 979-8-3693-2003-7.ch001.m07 when choosing the nth transmit antenna, Otherwise, 979-8-3693-2003-7.ch001.m08. The time delay of the (m)th channel can be written as

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