Augment Your Business Reality with New Age Web Tools

Augment Your Business Reality with New Age Web Tools

Lukas Ritzel
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60960-581-0.ch016
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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When Berners Lee invented the Internet, he for sure could not have imagined the beast he unleashed. Today, some years later, the Internet is the single most important tool of communication, leisure, and information gathering. With Web 2.0 and social networks becoming more and more mainstream, we must ask the question about what more is about to come. If ever we will look back and define the current moments in 2010 as Web 3.0, it will for sure be the talk of touch screens, 3D technologies, and most of all, the rise of Augmented Reality (AR). This more sensory Internet leads to an entirely new experience of bridging the off-line with the on-line world. It makes the use more human and easier to use because it simulates various aspects of needs and activities we would demand and use even if we were not computer freaks. This chapter talks about AR and its applications and the way it can change our lives and businesses with the support of cyberspace.
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It was not so long ago that organizations viewed the web as a source of information overload or as a tool for those interested in passive game playing. Today organizations around the world realize that these conceptualizations were erroneous. On the contrary, there is more creativity and active exchange of knowledge and information going on because of the web than ever before.

The implications of Web3.0 to organizational governance is the subject of this chapter where the author will look in detail at new trends and discuss some of the implications they will have on society and on the way we conduct business. In much the same way as wikis, Twitter, Facebook, Second Life, and other Web2.0 applications have been welcomed by new generations until they became mainstream and part of our lives; Web3.0 technologies will have a similar impact on the future. No change is all good or all bad, and critics should be heard because they are the ones enabling us to see the downsides, driving all stakeholders to strive towards further changes. Evolution is a test -and- run approach that makes us move in a ‘Z’ shape between boundaries set by extremes. The lesser the critics are listened to, the farther – and the more dangerous – the extremes (ex: crash). The more the businesses and thinkers listen to those critics; the sooner the course-corrections can be applied. Isabelle Michelet, French thinker, and author, wrote to me in an email dated Dec 12 2009. “Yes, change is wide and deep and irreversible. But a lot of what is seen today looks like the rather extremist frenzy of novelty. For sure many adjustments will be made to find a new balance, and only when this new balance is found will we be able to say that we have really entered a mature Cybernetic Era.”1

This chapter focuses on the impact of change on business organizations, the way organizations need to change their business models and management paradigms to adjust to and make the best of these changes. The key question therefore is when and how should organizations change their ways? The next section builds the necessary background to understand the meaning and evolution of web from Web 1.0 to web 3.0 .

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