Biosignal and Image Processing in Telemedicine

Biosignal and Image Processing in Telemedicine

Vasanth Raj P. T., Archana N., Sudhakar J., Vijayaraj A., Uma Haimavathi K.
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 22
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5231-8.ch008
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Bio-signals are signals that are recorded from the human body which can be electrical (e.g., ECG), electroencephalogram (EEG), electromyogram (EMG), and so on. Analyzation can be carried out by storing these signals, which will be helpful for monitoring. For example, when a physician wants to know about the regularity of heart sound, they use stethoscope through which heart's sound can be acquired. Medical snaps generated through various imaging modalities have high resolution which increases storage capacity and requires extra bandwidth for transmission. An attacker who corrupts or modifies a medical picture during its transport over an open access network might cause variations in diagnosis. To transmit the image securely from trespassers, the image has to be encrypted. This helps us to transmit photographs in a compressed and secured manner.
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It is defined by the World Health Organization that healthcare services are delivered when distance plays a significant role and all healthcare professionals are obliged to exchange information, analyze problems, and cure diseases by providing proper treatment, research, and evaluation in the interest of advancing the health of individuals. Telemedicine is defined as an ancient technique known as telecardiology, which is utilized for the transmission of electrocardiograms (ECGs) over long distances. The primary goal of telemedicine is to provide expert medical treatment and guidance to patients who have located a distance from a medical facility. A normal medical checkup will be performed on the patient, and the treatment procedure will be passed to a professional medical team depending on the level of excrescence of the patient. It is intended that the data obtained from patients be shared with a variety of organizations so that it may be used for scientific reasons. The primary functions of TeleHealth Technology are to facilitate video conferencing between patients and healthcare professionals, to monitor patients' vital signs and conditions regularly, to distribute patient data among various hospitals while ensuring data security during such transfers, and to store the information. Figure 1 shows a standard model of telemedicine.

Figure 1.

Typical model of Telemedicine


Biosignal Processing

Biological signals are space, time, or space-time records of a biological event. Biosignals contain useful information that can be used to understand the underlying physiological mechanisms of a specific biological event or system and may be useful for medical diagnosis. Biological signals (ECG, EEG, EMG, PCG, ERG, EOG, and EGG) can be classified according to various characteristics of the signal, including the waveform shape, statistical structure, and temporal properties. Two broad classes of signals that are commonly encountered are continuous and discrete signals. This chapter also depicts the fundamental components of a bio instrumentation system. Bio Sensors convert the observed signal into an electrical analog signal that may be measured using a data acquisition system. The data acquisition system turns the analog signal into a stored calibrated digital signal. Digital signal processing techniques are applied to the stored signal to reduce noise and extract additional information that can improve understanding of the physiological meaning of the original parameter.

Figure 2.

Biosignal Processing Unit


Human bodies are responsible for the transmission of health conditions on a regular basis. The information is utilized for a variety of purposes, including the assessment of blood pressure levels, heart problems, brain states, nerve health, and so forth. Biosignals are the technical term for this type of information. This signal processing procedure refers to the analysis of these signals by the physicians to conclude the patient's medical condition. Several biomedical signal processing technologies are routinely used to study biosignals, including digital filtering, sampling, and spectrum analysis. Figure 2 depicts how these signals are initially conveyed via a transducer, where the fluctuating energy signals generated by our bodies are transformed into variable voltage signals that may be utilised. The amplifier is responsible for the amplification of signals that are obtained from the transducer to facilitate and ensure the reliability of biosignal processing. Analog and digital signal processing are represented by the signal processing block in this diagram. Amplification is carried out first, followed by filtering in analog signal processing. The filtering procedure is carried out to eliminate noise (noise suppression). The analog signal is then converted into a digital signal so that signal processing can be done much more quickly and efficiently. The analog signal is subjected to sampling and quantization operations to be transformed in digital signals. The digital signal is then subjected to filtering, which is defined as the process of suppressing or removing some undesirable component or feature from a signal.

The biosignals widely acquired for the disease diagnosis are as follows:

Key Terms in this Chapter

Electroneurography: Electroneurography is a test that detects and quantifies the extent of nerve damage. It also measures the speed at which impulses travel along the visceral nerve. Electroneurography detects the presence of disease or dysfunction in a specific nerve. It is also referred to as a nerve conduction study (NCS), a nerve conduction velocity study (NCV), and a stimulation myelographic study (SMS).

Arnold's Cat Map: Arnold's Cat Map is an image-stretching transformation in which an image made up of n by n pixels is stretched and then wrapped around to restore the picture's original dimensions.

Electromyography: EMG is a method of assessing the status of muscles in the human body, as well as the neurons that drive muscle activity.

Phonocardiogram: A phonocardiogram is a graphic portrayal of a high-fidelity recording of sounds and murmurs generated by the heart with the help of an instrument called the phonocardiograph. It is typically a recording of all of the sounds produced during systole and diastole. It's a noninvasive approach for capturing cardiovascular sound, or acoustic events detectable by auscultation in the heart area on the chest wall. During the cardiovascular cycle, the sounds generated by the heart are recorded using a technique called phonocardiography.

Encryption: Encryption is a method of protecting digital data by using one or more mathematical procedures in conjunction with a password or “key” that is used to decode the information. The encryption process converts information into a form that cannot be read by humans using an algorithm that renders the original information unreadable.

Electrogastrogram: An electrogastrogram is a real-time graphic delivered by a gadget called an electrogastrograph that peruses and reports the electrical signals that are found to propagate through the stomach muscle and the nerves responsible for its compression.

Integer Wavelet Transform: IWT is a signal processing technique that is especially effective for integer-encoded signals. The IWT is an invertible wavelet analysis method that can be used to look at data.

Discrete Wavelet Transform: DWT converts a picture into frequency coefficients, which may subsequently be utilized in a variety of different applications.

Electrocardiogram: ECG is a noninvasive test that is used to check the patient's cardiac status.

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