Biospheric Reverie: Unraveling Indoor Air Quality Through Bio-Inspired Textiles, Awareness, and Decision-Making

Biospheric Reverie: Unraveling Indoor Air Quality Through Bio-Inspired Textiles, Awareness, and Decision-Making

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 18
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2073-0.ch013
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Indoor air quality is a critical yet often overlooked facet of our daily lives. This chapter seeks to shed light on this issue, offering a unique perspective through the lens of bio-inspired textiles. This exploration aims to create awareness and empower individuals to enhance their home environments. The method involved an extensive literature study, extracting insights from biology, design, and awareness campaigns. The results revealed the transformative potential of bio-inspired textile artifacts in raising awareness and fostering a sense of well-being in participants' homes. This research contributes valuable guidelines for decision-making for bio-inspired design, marking a significant milestone in the quest for healthier and harmonious living spaces.
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Unbeknownst to many, a significant problem is indoor air pollution, which lurks in the dark recesses of our houses where we try to relax and unwind (Belotti et al., 2020). The air we breathe is a quiet ballet of chemical and microbiological elements that may impact our mental and physical well-being (Fu et al., 2020). It is not enough to acknowledge the difficulty; we must also have a poetic comprehension of the problem and an awareness of how it permeates every part of our lives. In order to bring about a profound awakening about the air we breathe in our sanctuaries, this investigation dives into the core of the matter by combining biology and design (Nguyen et al., 2020). Anyone concerned with or working to improve indoor air quality may benefit from the information and understanding gained from this study. Some examples are that homeowners would do well to educate themselves on indoor air quality and the elements that influence it, many of which are not readily apparent. Insights from the study may help homeowners improve their living conditions, which can improve their health. Using bio-inspired design standards as a springboard, architects and interior designers may improve indoor air quality while simultaneously adding to homes' aesthetic value and atmosphere (Brebenel, 2020). Academic institutions will find the results helpful, particularly those that provide design, bio-inspiration, and environmental science courses. Curricula and teaching techniques may be shaped by the study, including the obstacles undergraduates encounter during practical application. Environmental and public health groups may use the findings to push for legislation and awareness campaigns about indoor air quality. The relationship between design, mindfulness, and well-being is explained in detail in the paper (Cuce et al., 2019). Businesses in the textile and construction material industries may improve indoor air quality with their goods by using bio-inspired design concepts. These items will serve several functions. Raising public awareness about the importance of indoor air quality for human health can only help. The study presents a story that more people can understand, urging us to all do our part to make our homes healthy (Antonov et al., 2020). When drafting rules and standards for building design and construction, experts in city planning and policymaking may consider the study's findings. Overall, this has the potential to make city dwellers' lives better. The current situation may be changed to promote healthier homes and communities by sharing the information obtained from this study with various stakeholders.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Well-Being: The overall state of health, happiness, and prosperity of individuals, encompassing physical, mental, and social dimensions.

Indoor Air Quality: The measurement of the cleanliness and healthiness of the air within indoor environments, particularly in buildings and residences, with a focus on minimizing pollutants and promoting occupant well-being.

Bio-Inspired Design: The practice of deriving innovative solutions for design challenges by drawing inspiration from patterns, processes, and systems found in nature.

Awareness: The state or level of consciousness about a particular subject, issue, or fact, often involving the recognition and understanding of its significance.

Textile Artifacts: Objects or products crafted from textiles involving the use of fibres and fabrics, which may serve functional, aesthetic, or symbolic purposes in the context of this study.

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