Change Management in Information Asset

Change Management in Information Asset

Prajwal Eachempati
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-3822-6.ch077
(Individual Chapters)
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We are passing through information age with lightning communication speed. Information asset storage in Cloud and retrieval in the net has become the new invisible corporate voyage into the information space. Information Assets are a valuable source of Knowledge for both Information asset creator as well as the user. These are fluid assets that change overtime based on several internal and environmental factors! This paper seeks to address these aspects of Change that impacts such “fluid” Information Assets and the need to raise up to the changing expectations of the millions of users by satisfying the ever growing information hungry businesses. Providing unreliable information and sub-optimal analytical tools can destroy the user in the first instance and can lead to self-destruction as Information asset provider will find no takers in the long run. In this context this assorted information on Change management is chosen carefully and it is hoped, will benefit the reader who may be a technical expert in his field.
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1. Introduction

Information in any form has been recognised as an asset, now come to be known as, “Information Asset”. “An information asset is a body of knowledge that is organized and managed as a single entity”. Change is a major threat to the Information asset and key risk to digital continuity. Information can have a short lifecycle and tends to depreciate over time based on the type of information the asset represents, and how accurate the information can remain over time. Its value increases in direct relationship to the number of people who need the information in question. Some information assets an organization carries leave organizational foot prints for the competitors to follow and hence must be preserved from public domain. It is clear in the business world by now that a business seems to be run not just from boardroom but from the offices of the software industry you chose to associate.

Information loafing in files that cannot be used is considered to be a liability in certain cases or could have archaic value for future reference for some others. Such information could still be useful to competitors, and should be managed or destroyed as per a pre-decided schedule and method—depending on the confidentiality classification and future use.

Hence information gatherers and generators need to be careful while dealing with data or/and information. Cloud computing techniques have come handy in such cases to keep engaging the information scientists and users to draw from the cloud the needed information by means of “just-in-time” techniques instead of carrying the information load in their hardware systems.

Information asset assumes various forms over time starting as mere data and undergoes metamorphosis in a way. Such data resides in various physical forms/resides in devices or other component of the environment that supports information based activities as well as in invisible form when encrypted. A simple data can generate various forms of information to the analysts at different points of time and means differently for different users at various points in time and mercurial in nature. Corporates invest huge amounts in not only collecting and collating such data but also for its security from illicit access, disclosure, alteration, destruction and/or theft when the data is residing in any device or moving to various domains through networking. The information security mission is to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, availability of information assets when needed. This needs pro-acting by imaging possible threat sequences and taking counter measures like firewall and encryptions of data. This is change management from illicit data manipulation. When performing risk analysis, it is important to weigh how much to spend protecting each asset against cost of losing the asset. Probability of loss occurrence, intangible costs involved are factored thereon. Intangible costs may take various forms like loss of reputation to punitive measures taken by the user. I.T information risk management has evolved into a huge important area today. Attrition in the IT Sector is a big risk and Change mangers should guard companies from this factor by ensuring proper documentation of their works and with sound HR policies.

One of the most important aspects of information management is to understand the implications of change on the information asset. Changes in IT lead to innovation, new business models and services. Change management and how people deal with it has gained attention across various fields. Finding effective ways for managing the process of changes is key to success in a highly competitive/global business environment.

There are two types of change management programs:

  • Systematic organization-wide change initiative that involves an organization-wide transformation effort.

  • Specific internal change management or change control program that involves providing tools and processes to control daily operational or project-specific changes.

Change management differs from project management in its ultimate objective. The process of how organizations change draws on many disciplines from psychology and behavioural science to engineering and systems thinking is intriguing. The underlying principle is that change does not happen in isolation. It impacts the whole organization and each individual associated with it.

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