Cloud Computing and Machine Learning in the Green Power Sector: Harnessing Sustainable Innovations:

Cloud Computing and Machine Learning in the Green Power Sector: Harnessing Sustainable Innovations:

Anurag Vijay Agrawal, G. Sujatha, P. Sasireka, P. Ranjith, S. Cloudin, B. Samp
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 29
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1694-8.ch009
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The chapter explores the potential of cloud computing, machine learning, and the green power sector in promoting sustainable energy production and consumption. Cloud computing offers efficient data storage and processing, while machine learning algorithms optimize energy production, distribution, and consumption. It highlights how cloud-based infrastructure can enhance renewable energy forecasting, energy grid management, and demand response systems. Edge computing brings intelligence closer to renewable energy sources, reducing latency and energy consumption. The chapter also addresses challenges like data privacy, security, and regulatory compliance in the green power sector. It reviews case studies and emerging trends to demonstrate how these technologies can optimize renewable energy production and contribute to a more sustainable power sector.
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The integration of cloud computing and machine learning technologies is a promising solution for the green power sector, as it can drive efficiency, reduce waste, and optimize resource utilization. As societies grapple with climate change and transition to renewable energy sources, this chapter explores the symbiotic relationship between these technologies and sustainable development in the green power sector. It delves into the ways in which these innovations are reshaping the landscape of energy production, distribution, and consumption, ultimately paving the way for a cleaner, more resilient, and environmentally responsible energy ecosystem. The chapter explores the potential of cloud-based infrastructure and intelligent machine learning algorithms in transforming energy management, renewable energy forecasting, and energy grid management. It highlights the potential for a greener, more sustainable future, highlighting the importance of optimizing energy consumption and minimizing carbon footprints, and the transformative journey towards a more sustainable future (Andronie et al., 2021).

The challenges posed by climate change and the finite nature of fossil fuel resources have galvanized a global movement towards renewable and sustainable energy solutions. The green power sector, comprising wind, solar, hydro, geothermal, and other forms of clean energy generation, has emerged as a linchpin in our quest to mitigate the impacts of climate change and transition towards a low-carbon economy. However, realizing the full potential of green power requires not only the harnessing of renewable energy sources but also the intelligent orchestration of these resources to meet the ever-growing energy demands of a rapidly advancing world (Mustapha et al., 2021).

Enter cloud computing and machine learning, two disruptive technologies that have, individually, revolutionized industries across the board. When integrated into the green power sector, these technologies bring a convergence of unprecedented computational power and data-driven intelligence, enabling the optimization of energy production, the enhancement of grid resilience, and the reduction of environmental footprints. This study explores the roles and impacts of cloud computing, a scalable infrastructure for data storage and processing, and machine learning algorithms, which uncover intricate patterns within data, for real-time energy management decisions (Murugesan, 2008).

This text explores the benefits of cloud computing, machine learning, and edge computing in sustainability. It discusses cloud computing models, deployment options, and their role in renewable energy forecasting, grid management, and demand response systems. Edge computing brings computational power closer to renewable energy sources, reducing latency and energy consumption. The text also examines the industry's evolution towards sustainability, emphasizing energy-efficient data centers, renewable energy-powered cloud services, and eco-friendly hardware design (Buyya et al., 2023). It also discusses the environmental impact of these technologies and strategies for reducing their carbon footprint.

This chapter explores the integration of cloud computing and machine learning in the green power sector, focusing on data privacy, security, and regulatory compliance. It provides real-world case studies and best practices to illustrate the success of this integration. The chapter also explores future trends and emerging technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and advanced artificial intelligence (AI), which are expected to further revolutionize the green power sector (Fan et al., 2023). The goal is to ensure sustainability without compromising privacy or integrity. This chapter provides a comprehensive guide on the relationship between cloud computing and machine learning, emphasizing their potential in the green power sector. It urges decision-makers, innovators, and researchers to adopt sustainable innovations for a more efficient, resilient, and environmentally responsible energy landscape, ensuring future challenges and planet protection (Shaw et al., 2022).

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