Corruption and Governance in Africa: An Insight

Corruption and Governance in Africa: An Insight

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 23
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5007-9.ch002
(Individual Chapters)
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Corruption is a challenge and problem for governance in Africa. The existence of anti-corruption institutions and legislation in Africa is the result of the questioning of the commitment and dedication of African leaders to combat and tackle corruption. There are corrupt practices conducted by Africans as well as foreigners who are collaborating with corrupt African leaders. The aim of this chapter is (1) to highlight the types of corruption in Africa, (2) to highlight the anti-corruption efforts and moves in Africa, and (3) to suggest workable and suitable solutions. The external and internal sources of corruption are discussed which are systemic, interrelated, and interdependent. The chapter also looks at the failure and challenges to handle or deal with the issue of corruption in various dimensions.
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Corruption And Governance In Africa

Since Africa achieved independence from colonial rule, corruption has been a major issue and worry because it siphons already limited or scarce funds. It impedes and also prevents policy changes (transformations) needed for development and undermines economic progress.

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