Design and Development of Robots for Medical Assistance: An Architectural Approach

Design and Development of Robots for Medical Assistance: An Architectural Approach

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8913-0.ch011
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In this chapter, artificially intelligent assistive robotics for medical applications have been discussed. The voice identification, object identification, grasping, feature selection, and classification by the assisted robots can be demonstrated by the Fuzzy Temporal Rule-based Semantic Analysis algorithm (FTRSAA) and intelligent techniques. The image processing and machine learning techniques using a vision camera can be applied in assistive robot programming for the voice and object recognition, graphing, and tracking of objects have been performed by machine learning techniques. The algorithms suggested for grabbing objects, such as image segmentation, RoI extraction, and classification, are thus explained. Machine vision connected to gripping three things has been explored.
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This chapter discusses the use of robots in medical assistance systems to aid the elderly, with a focus on the development of robotic applications using artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques. The study covers feature selection, categorization, and fuzzy rule-based decision making. Robots can be classified as industrial or non-industrial, and within the non-industrial category, they can be further classified as assistive (service robots, companion robots, etc.) or non-assistive robots. (Feil-Seifer & Matarić, 2011).

The use of robots presents an opportunity to improve the quality of care for the elderly. However, the applications created must be tailored to meet the specific needs of this demographic, which can be challenging. To create technology that will be accepted, more advanced methods are required. One of the most innovative areas of computer science is computer vision, which has applications in real-time video surveillance, robot navigation, and ranging. Some researchers have proposed real-time pose estimates to provide more accurate solutions. In this chapter, a novel proposal is presented for an assistive mobile robot system that can help the elderly live longer and safer lives in their own homes.

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