Design and Implementation of Collaborative Pedagogical Scenarios for Adaptive Learning

Design and Implementation of Collaborative Pedagogical Scenarios for Adaptive Learning

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7634-5.ch010
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Adaptive systems propose the use of a platform that adapts to the behavior of the learner. The research problem concerns the representation of educational content, but the field of educational engineering makes it possible to reorganize different devices specific to the use of techniques and methods or pedagogical tools that meet well-defined pedagogical objectives adapted to each learner leading to the acquisition of knowledge. For this, after having defined the basic concepts concerning scripting, collaboration, and adaptation, the authors propose a design of collaborative pedagogical scenarios for adaptive learning based on pedagogical engineering.
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Adaptive learning systems are great for these different types of collaborative teaching scenarios in all types of teaching. This chapter presents the overall architecture and structure of an adaptive e-learning system. The system describes the typical system architecture and consists of three systems: input system, learning system and output system.

The main idea of Adaptive Learning is to meet the individual needs of each learner during the collaborative learning process. Even for the best teachers, it is indeed difficult to fully identify the profile of each student and adapt the program accordingly. This is why technology can be of great help. Rather than imposing a unique program on all learners without taking into account their respective abilities and needs, Adaptive Learning makes it possible to develop personalized learning that they will be motivated to follow.

In this chapter Collaborative learning is an active phase in which the learner works to build his knowledge with a group of learners. This allows the levels of adaptive systems to offer large and comfortable workspaces to learn and present this knowledge. But generally we only find classic presentations of data, courses without communication and a more basic exchange of information, this type of teaching does not offer the means and tools necessary to build knowledge.

To centralize the role and the learning exploitation of learners and teachers in the use of new knowledge tools, emphasis can be placed on the reflection of one's beliefs and values in terms of education. Our work concerns the proposal of pedagogical scenarios based on collaboration for adaptive online training (adaptive e-learning). The objective in this work is twofold, on the one hand, it concerns the definition of the basic concepts of our theoretical framework which affects adaptive e-learning, the pedagogical scenario and adaptive collaborative learning. On the other hand, it concerns the design and implementation of a scenario for online adaptive collaborative learning.

1. The Pedacogical Scenario

a. Definition of Scenerio

The term: scenario (Giglio & Cruz-Ortiz, 2015) is often used in the arts, especially in cinema, but also in management, IT, telecommunications and ergonomics (navigation, interactive scenarios). Its use in education is more recent, where the term is supplemented by the noun complement of the adjective pedagogical or learning. The notion of pedagogical context complements or replaces other terms more commonly used by teachers: course, sequence, learning context.

The terms pedagogical sequence and pedagogical scene are the most cited of all those (Sadiq & Talbi, 2010). The term teaching sequence seems widely used as it is introduced in teacher training. A related open-ended question reveals a number of terms with similar meanings: Instructional Activity, Instructional Mode, Summary, Instructional Sequence, Instructional Module, Instructional Progress, Instructional Journey, Instructional Use Scenarios, Framework Scenarios, Propagation Scenarios, Sequences of tasks, sessions, storyboards, conceptual frameworks, learning sequences

b. The Pedagogical Scenario

The concept of pedagogical scenario is expressed in teaching practices through personal initiatives aimed at better explaining, for learners, pedagogical intentions, and at setting up active learning situations. From the didactic point of view, the emergence of the concept of scenario is indicative of the displacement of the epistemological paradigm of knowledge from a logic of transmission to a logic of learning (Martel et al., 2009). The appearance of digital media and distance learning situations has accelerated this evolution by shifting the notions of space, time, roles, resources and activities and by encouraging teachers, particularly in a distance context, to structure and plan their course in more detail in order to manage new complexity and anticipate the learning process.

We are also witnessing the emergence of communities of practice around the writing of scenarios (Wenger, 2010) with shared resources (prototypes, models, routines, words, tools, programs, stories, gestures, symbols, concepts). The catalog is distinct from the platforms that serve as the basis for a collective consensus (Ouadoud et al., 2020).

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