Design of Business Processes for Marketing Activity

Design of Business Processes for Marketing Activity

Medea Tevdoradze, Samson Darchia, Tamta Rukhadze
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8681-8.ch010
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As it is known, marketing plays a huge role in the activity of companies, which ensures the company's success in the market. Today the majority of companies have moved to process management, which because of some reason often is not applied to marketing activities and this has a negative impact on it. In order to correct the situation, this chapter serves the issues of design of business processes of marketing activities in the company. It is characterized by a marketing complex (4P model). Also, there are discussed holistic marketing features and marketing strategy issues, there are realized procedures which are necessary for management of marketing activities. But, the peculiarity of marketing activity is that, in addition to ERP-type programs, it is necessary to use a specialized marketing information system, which is due to the abundance and complexity of the models that must be used in the process of marketing evaluations. It is underlined that ERP-type and marketing information system must be used in the complex.
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1. The Essence And Role Of Marketing

The main condition for maintaining the presence of enterprises on the market is conducting marketing activities, which first of all means seeing of own business by customers. Marketing is an activity that brings buyers and sellers together. Marketing includes both advertising and buying and selling, transportation and storage, product nomenclature planning and market research, support to key the products, customer service, financing, insurance. In short, everything through which products or services are produced and sold, both in the global and local markets. When planning marketing, usually attention is paid to the so-called marketing 4P (Marketing Mix) model: Product, Price, Promotion and Place (Kotler & Keller, 2014).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Business Process: Represents a repeating sequence of certain operations (functions), which has entrance and exit. Itis supplied with a resources at the entrance; resource are processed during the execution of the operations included in the business process, and as a result, a certain type of product is obtained at the output of business process, and this product necessarily has a customer.

BPM (Business Processes Management): The ideology, which includes not only business processes themselves, but also all questions in the connection with the life cycle of business processes - issues of their design, execution management, control as well as relevant software solutions.

CRM (Custom Relationship Management): This is type of programs is closely related to solving of marketing tasks.

?esigning a business process: This is obtaining its full description, including its operations, inputs, outputs, resources, parameters, process instructions

ERP (Enterprice Resourse Planning): The type of information systems manage the execution of business processes.

Business processes life cycle: Consists of four stages: 1. Business process design; 2. Realization of the business process; 3. Observation during the realization of business processes and 4. Analysis of observation results and reaction in the case of their deviations

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