Developing an IoT Adoption Framework for Library Management for Public Tertiary Institutions in Ghana

Developing an IoT Adoption Framework for Library Management for Public Tertiary Institutions in Ghana

Frank Boateng, Oluwasegun Julius Aroba, Sulaiman Saleem Patel
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0807-3.ch011
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The chapter presents an IoT adoption framework for improving library management practices in Ghana's public tertiary institution. The internet of things (IoT) has revolutionized various industries, including libraries. The chapter aims to define a comprehensive framework that addresses the challenges and needs of Ghana's public higher education institution. Key areas where IoT integration can benefit library operations include resource monitoring, security, user experience, and data analytics. The framework also addresses potential obstacles and concerns related to privacy, security, and infrastructure limitations in the Ghanaian context. The chapter provides valuable insights for academic and administrative stakeholders on using IoT technologies to improve library services and knowledge dissemination in Ghana's public tertiary institution.
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The Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionized various industries, particularly in educational institutions, such as public tertiary institutions (Phung et al., 2022). These institutions play a crucial role in molding the future of most countries by providing students and other stakeholders with access to quality education and resources. However, traditional library management systems face obstacles in adapting to the changing demands of the digital age, such as manual processes, limited data analytics, and inefficient resource allocation (Maharaja, Iyer and Ye, 2020). Consequently, the adoption of IoT technology offers a promising solution for overcoming these obstacles and realizing the full potential of public tertiary institutions' libraries. For this reason, the study proposed an IoT adoption framework customized for library management in public tertiary institutions. The framework sought to enhance library services, increase resource utilization, and provide data-driven insights for informed decision-making (Babiceanu and Seker, 2019). The framework aims to equip library administrators, librarians, and stakeholders with the necessary tools to adjust to the shifting educational landscape and cultivate a culture of innovation within these institutions. The objectives of the IoT adoption framework include enhancing accessibility and availability, optimizing resource management, personalizing user experiences, fostering data-driven decision-making, strengthening security and safety, and promoting collaborative learning. By integrating IoT sensors, the framework enables real-time monitoring and tracking of library assets, resulting in efficient resource allocation, and reduced operational costs (Yeh, Arthaud-Day and Turvey-Welch, 2021).

Figure 1.

Application areas of IoT adoption in library management

Source: Khan et al. (2021)

Similarly, literature has proven that tertiary institutions are made up of systems which further consider the interplay between social and technical components (Hogarth & Wójcik 2016). This study further gives credence to situate the overall study within the context of Davis’ socio-technical systems analytical framework or thinking (STS).

According to Khan et al., (2021) IoT technology in libraries enhances user experience by providing real-time library resource availability information, helping users find books, and offering personalized recommendations (Bashir et al., 2022). This further enhances security by protecting valuable materials and enabling access control. The vast data generated by IoT can provide insights into patron behavior, resource utilization, and library operations, enabling more informed decision-making (Ojha et al., 2023).

Similarly, IoT technology also enables personalized user experiences, allowing for personalized recommendations and support for individual learning needs (Jagatheesaperumal et al., 2023). Moreover, these personalized recommendations are achieved through data collection and analytics, the IoT framework offers valuable insights into library usage patterns, enabling data-driven decision-making for future improvements and enhancements (Islam et al., 2021). Additionally, IoT-enabled security systems can enhance the safety of library users and protect valuable resources, reducing instances of theft and damage (Migabo, Djouani and Kurien, 2020) in Figure 1.

The overarching aim of this book chapter was to develop a framework for IoT adoption in library management through a strategic roadmap with the following breakdown of the objectives:

Key Terms in this Chapter

Internet of Things (IoT): In this book chapter the Internet of Things is a fourth-industrial revolution (4IR) technology that refers to mass-deployed, large scale networks of embedded systems that communicate over the Internet. Typically, IoT systems have a backbone of cloud technology.

Digital Transformation in Libraries: Digital transformation in libraries involves modernizing services, operations, and resources through digital technologies. Key aspects include expanding digital collections, improving library management systems, enhancing online catalogues and discovery services, developing user-friendly websites, investing in digital preservation, transforming physical spaces, offering data management services, promoting open access, offering digital literacy programs, improving user experiences, and ensuring inclusivity and accessibility.

Smart Libraries: Smart libraries utilize digital technologies like IoT, artificial intelligence, and data analytics to improve services, resources, and operations. They offer innovative features like self-checkout systems, digital catalogs, personalized recommendations, and remote access, aiming to provide a more intelligent and integrated library experience.

Socio-Technical Systems Analytical Thinking: Socio-technical systems analytical thinking relies on considering technology and society holistically, such that due consideration is paid to how technology must be shaped by social influences, as well as the impacts of technology on society.

IoT Adoption Framework: The IoT adoption framework in this context is a standardized strategy for integrating IoT technologies into library management systems, guiding institutions on requirements, hardware selection, compatibility, security, privacy, and efficacy.

Ghana: Ghana, a country with unique characteristics, challenges, and opportunities, is used as a case study in the development of the Internet of Things (IoT) framework in public tertiary institutions.

Public Tertiary Institutions: Public tertiary institutions are government-funded institutions offering post-secondary education, including universities, colleges, and vocational training, typically open to the public.

Digital Transformation: Digital transformation involves utilizing digital technologies to improve various sectors of the economy and society, including government services, business operations, education, and healthcare.

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