Digital Control Models of Continuous Education of Persons with Disabilities Act (IDEA) and Agents in Sliding Mode

Digital Control Models of Continuous Education of Persons with Disabilities Act (IDEA) and Agents in Sliding Mode

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-2292-8.ch004
(Individual Chapters)
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Currently higher professional education is defined as a sphere of nationwide strategic interests of the state whose priorities contain systemic approaches and solutions, values of world and national culture, humanist morals, civic consciousness, worldviews and methodological solutions targeted at training new generations of specialists capable of creative activity and professional responsibility. In this chapter of goals of education, processes of humanization and democratization in society have led to the extension of educational institutions' rights and the tendency to regionalization of education. Therefore, the role of educational institutions in the educational space has changed.
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We consider the problem of building up a whole educational space in the context of implementing the system of continuous professional education in an integrated educational institution. The pedagogical approaches to the realization of integration processes in the system of continuous education are based on the philosophic ideas considering the man as the highest value in society. So, the aim of societal development is a person’s continues moral and spiritual, personal and professional perfection (Mkrttchian et al., 2016).

The defining condition of working out digital models for the system of continues professional development of persons with health limitations is based on our concept of continues professional education which is considered as an instrument of economic policy directed at increasing competitive capacity, full-time employment of the population and maintaining employees’ professional mobility as connected with implementing new technologies. It is based on the following principles:

  • 1.

    Basic property (basic education) realized through getting a ceratin educational start, that is basic training is regarded as a “matriculation certificate”;

  • 2.

    Multiple-level system presented by a number of levels and stages of education;

  • 3.

    Diversification which supposes extension of the activity types of the education system as well as acquiring new forms and functions previously absent in the system;

  • 4.

    Complementarity of basic and postgraduate education referring to the vector of professional skills and progression of a person in educational space – the idea is backed up by the fact that in the system of continues education a person has to continue his/ her education for life;

  • 5.

    Flexibility of educational syllabi providing for a person’s orientation in Educational space, professional re-orientation, for the possibility of changing activity sphere at a certain stage of life and at a certain level of education, or getting parallel education in two or more spheres;

  • 6.

    Succession of educational programs necessary for a trainee, a student, a specialist to freely move in educational space;

  • 7.

    Integration of educational structures viewed as integration of subsystems of education, turning of professional educational institutions into multi-specialized, multi-level, multi-stage educational institutions;

  • 8.

    Flexibility of organization forms revealed through a person’s free movement in educational space which ensures not only the diversity of education forms, but also their flexibility and variability.

Creating the system of quality of professional education is a very important direction of realization of models. We consider the problem of quality from three perspectives: the quality of specialists’ technological training; the quality of their economic and market training; the quality of basic qualifications formed in them. From this viewpoint we state the necessity of quality education being aimed at marketing values completely different from the traditional training typical of former planned economy. With that, a graduate will possess basic qualifications including the training components off-professional or over-professional character (information technologies skills, foreign language skills, advertising marketing skills, etc.). In present-day conditions, such training is vital for a specialist in accordance with the “formula” of successful employment at the labor market: higher education (any), knowledge of a foreign language, computer skills.

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