Electrical, Magnetic Radiation and Power Density Analysis of Electronic Gadgets During Yajna

Electrical, Magnetic Radiation and Power Density Analysis of Electronic Gadgets During Yajna

Rohit Rastogi, Mamta Saxena, T. Rajeshwari, Neeti Tandon, Sheelu Sagar, Mukund Rastogi, Mayank Sharma
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 18
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9198-7.ch017
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All of us are aware that the modern mechanical and electrical systems in collaboration with AI, CPS, and IoT have affected our lives drastically. At one end, they have provided ease and comfort. On the other end, the electrical and magnetic radiations emitted by them have threatened the mental and physical fitness. Surprisingly, the Asian Agnihotra process effectively reduces the electrical, magnetic radiations emitting from electronic devices. The chapter deals with the computational analysis of electrical, magnetic radiation, and power density measurement of environmental effects and gadgets after the Homa therapy. In the gap of a specific time, readings were recorded, and it was observed that drastic reduction occurred at the place where Yajna was performed. This gap was curtailed gradually as time increased. The phenomenon can undoubtedly be used to address human health threats due to electronic gadgets in the 21st century. Also, it supports the concepts of smart cities where one can quickly identify the numerous effects of the Yajna process.
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he world is suffering nowadays with unprecedented technical progress and enormous use of electronic gadgets. There is a guess that around every human being is using 3.5 gadgets emitting high radiation levels, and it is causing different health threats to them. Anxiety, depression, mental fitness breach, lack of decision-making, and insomnia are general symptoms due to this problem. The science community is worried about this threat and searching for alternative therapies (Fig. 1).

Figure 1.

Human Life full of different electronic gadgets

(Source URL: https://www.shutterstock.com/image-vector/brain-radiation-electronic-devices-201727895)

The Indian Vedic sciences and especially the Mantra and Homa therapy have been effective tools in this direction. Researches have proclaimed that Yajna and its positive vibrations diminish the threats described above up to a substantial level. The manuscript reveals the experimental facts to validate this statement.

Characteristics of Electromagnetic Fields

EM fields propagate as waves and travel at the speed of light (c). The wavelength is inversely proportional to the frequency.

λ (wavelength) = c (speed of light) / f (frequency)

If the distance to the field source is less than three wavelengths, then we are usually in the near field. If the distance is more than three wavelengths, the far-field conditions usually hold.

In near field conditions, the magnetic field value can not be calculated from the electric field value. This EMR meter is designed for reliable far-field measurements only (As per Fig. 2).

This electromagnetic radiation meter is used to indicate EM pollution generated artificially. Electric (E) and magnetic (H) fields arise wherever there is a voltage or a current. All types of Radio broadcasting and TV transmitters produce EM fields, and they also occur in the industry, business and the home. They affect us. Even our sense organs perceive nothing (Gupta, S. et al., 2012; Oprea, M. et al., 2011).

Figure 2.

EMR Radiations emitted by electronic gadgets

(Source URL: https://www.shutterstock.com/image-vector/brain-radiation-electronic-devices-201727895)

Electric Field Strength (E)

A field vector quantity that represents the force (F) on an infinitely small unit. Positive test charge (q) at a point divided by that charge. Electric field strength is expressed in units of volts per meter (mV/m). This meter measures Electric field strength directly (Karatzas, K. et al., 2010; Romana, R.K. et al., 2015).

Magnetic Field Strength (H)

A field vector that is equal to magnetic flux density divided by the permeability of the medium. Magnetic Field Strength is expressed in units of amperes per meter (A/m). In far fields' situations, one can calculate the magnetic field from the electric field value. This meter can display the calculated magnetic field strength (Limaye, V.G. et al., 2019; Saxena, M. et al., 2018).

Power Density(s) of a Gadget

Power per unit area normal (perpendicular) to the direction of propagation, usually expressed in units of watts per square meter (W/m2) or, for convenience, units such as milliwatts per square centimeter (mW/cm2) (Ghosh et al., 2015; Ritchie et al., 2019).

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