Flipgrid for Developing and Assessing English Language Learners' Speaking Skills

Flipgrid for Developing and Assessing English Language Learners' Speaking Skills

Zeynep Çetin Köroğlu, Özlem Utku Bilici
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8267-1.ch005
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Foreign language speaking skills as productive skills are considered one of the concrete shreds of evidence for language proficiency. For this reason, teaching and measuring foreign language speaking skills ability has great importance for all levels of education. Especially with the developing technology, there are various educational tools for teaching and measuring speaking skills in a foreign language. In the present study, the application of Flipgrid will be introduced and examined as one of these tools, and accordingly, a lesson plan will be prepared showing how the tool can be used in foreign language classes. It is thought that the current study will contribute to teachers' professional developments who are working in the field of foreign language education, to teacher educators, and to students who learn English as a foreign language.
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The constant developing of educational technologies and the growing use of information communication technologies (ICT) have affected the main focus of language pedagogy that language learners' communication abilities have become more important in comparison to their linguistic abilities (McGrath, 2007). Technology-based teaching methodologies, such as flipped learning, blended learning, and TELL, put emphasis on learners rather than teachers and aims at developing a student-centred learning atmosphere. The changing role of students makes their communicative abilities much more important than their linguistic abilities.

Studies show that teaching speaking skills in a foreign language is generally neglected in the classroom environment or less time is spent on teaching speaking skills in comparison to other skills (Bygate, 2009; Checa, 2002; Ebadi, & Asakereh, 2017). Moreover, the ability to speak in a foreign language is often perceived by foreign language students as a challenging language skill, and they think that the process of learning the skills causes anxiety (Çetin Köroğlu, 2019). Information communication technology (ICT) offers a wide range of educational opportunities to support and improve foreign language learners' speaking skills. As a result, combining technology with speaking is an option for overcoming obstacles that prevent speaking skills development and increasing students' interest and willingness to speak and communicate, which is a major concern, particularly at the beginner level. There are various approaches, methods, and tools to measure speaking skills in foreign language. Flipgrid, which is a technological education tool, can be used both in teaching and measuring these skills. The current chapter aims at presenting detailed information about educational technologies and its effect on English language teaching especially speaking skills. Additionally, the notion of English language speaking skills is discussed within the scope of related research. As the main component of the current chapter, Flipgrid is introduced in detail; a lesson plan and an assessment plan were presented to show how the tool can be used in language classrooms.

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