From Tradition to Technology: Utilization of AI and ML for Digital Transformation in Supply Chain Management

From Tradition to Technology: Utilization of AI and ML for Digital Transformation in Supply Chain Management

George Williams Kennedy, Samuel Amos Ikpe, Vinay Kumar Nassa, Tamanna Prajapati, Dharmesh Dhabliya, Sukhvinder Singh Dari
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 18
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1347-3.ch007
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The combination of AI and ML is driving supply chain digitalization. This chapter discusses supply chain management (SCM) in the digital age, including AI, ML, and classical techniques, SCM aspects and components, and supply chain network strategies. The chapter also covers AI and ML applications in supply chain optimisation, resilient supply chain network (SCN) methods, warehouse automation and robotics, transportation and route optimisation, and supply chain risk management. AI and ML enable supply chain stakeholders to use massive data streams for predictive analytics. AI-driven demand forecasting, inventory optimisation, and predictive maintenance reduce hazards and streamline resource allocation, improving cost-effectiveness. In a world of rapid change and innovation, organisations must use AI and ML as the supply chain ecosystem evolves.
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The Basic Concepts Of Ai And Ml

Algorithms, models, and learning paradigms work together to enable machines to learn from data and make predictions or decisions (Thomas, 2019, Liao & Wu, 2020; Long & Magerko, 2020). The field of AI and ML is continually evolving, with new algorithms and paradigms being developed to tackle increasingly complex tasks and challenges. The basic concepts of Artificial Intelligence (AI) (Pandey, B. K. & Pandey, D. 2023) and Machine Learning (ML) are:

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