Gamification as Upper Limb Rehabilitation Process

Gamification as Upper Limb Rehabilitation Process

Vitor Simões-Silva, Ana Filipa Duarte Mesquita, Karla Lígia Santos Da Silva, Vanessa Solange Arouca Quental, António Marques
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7472-0.ch013
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In our modern life world, health and well-being strongly depend on the individual's health behaviours. Motivation is a major factor of health behaviour change, and intrinsically motivated behaviour change is desirable as it is both sustained and directly contributes to well-being. This raises the immediate question what kind of interventions are best positioned to intrinsically motivate health behaviour change. The current state of evidence supports that gamification can have a positive impact in health and wellbeing. In recent years, games and game technology have been used quite widely to investigate if they can help make rehabilitation more engaging for users. The underlying hypothesis is that the motivating qualities of games may be harnessed and embedded into a game-based rehabilitation system to improve the quality of user participation.
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