A Haplotype Analysis System for Genes Discovery of Common Diseases

A Haplotype Analysis System for Genes Discovery of Common Diseases

Takashi Kido
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-951-9.ch097
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This chapter introduces computational methods for detecting complex disease loci with haplotype analysis. It argues that the haplotype analysis, which plays a major role in the study of population genetics, can be computationally modeled and systematically implemented as a means for detecting causative genes of complex diseases. In this chapter, the author provides a review of issues on haplotype analysis and proposes the analysis system which integrates a comprehensive spectrum of functions on haplotype analysis for supporting disease association studies. The explanation of the system and some real examples of the haplotype analysis will not only provide researchers with better understanding of current theory and practice of genetic association studies, but also present a computational perspective on the gene discovery research for the common diseases.

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