Information Theoretic Learning

Information Theoretic Learning

Deniz Erdogmus, Jose C. Principe
Copyright: © 2009 |Pages: 8
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-849-9.ch133
(Individual Chapters)
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Learning systems depend on three interrelated components: topologies, cost/performance functions, and learning algorithms. Topologies provide the constraints for the mapping, and the learning algorithms offer the means to find an optimal solution; but the solution is optimal with respect to what? Optimality is characterized by the criterion and in neural network literature, this is the least addressed component, yet it has a decisive influence in generalization performance. Certainly, the assumptions behind the selection of a criterion should be better understood and investigated. Traditionally, least squares has been the benchmark criterion for regression problems; considering classification as a regression problem towards estimating class posterior probabilities, least squares has been employed to train neural network and other classifier topologies to approximate correct labels. The main motivation to utilize least squares in regression simply comes from the intellectual comfort this criterion provides due to its success in traditional linear least squares regression applications – which can be reduced to solving a system of linear equations. For nonlinear regression, the assumption of Gaussianity for the measurement error combined with the maximum likelihood principle could be emphasized to promote this criterion. In nonparametric regression, least squares principle leads to the conditional expectation solution, which is intuitively appealing. Although these are good reasons to use the mean squared error as the cost, it is inherently linked to the assumptions and habits stated above. Consequently, there is information in the error signal that is not captured during the training of nonlinear adaptive systems under non-Gaussian distribution conditions when one insists on second-order statistical criteria. This argument extends to other linear-second-order techniques such as principal component analysis (PCA), linear discriminant analysis (LDA), and canonical correlation analysis (CCA). Recent work tries to generalize these techniques to nonlinear scenarios by utilizing kernel techniques or other heuristics. This begs the question: what other alternative cost functions could be used to train adaptive systems and how could we establish rigorous techniques for extending useful concepts from linear and second-order statistical techniques to nonlinear and higher-order statistical learning methodologies?
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This seemingly simple question is at the core of recent research on information theoretic learning (ITL) conducted by the authors, as well as research by others on alternative optimality criteria for robustness to outliers and faster convergence, such as different Lp-norm induced error measures (Sayed, 2005), the epsilon-insensitive error measure (Scholkopf & Smola, 2001), Huber’s robust m-estimation theory (Huber, 1981), or Bregman’s divergence based modifications (Bregman, 1967). Entropy is an uncertainty measure that generalizes the role of variance in Gaussian distributions by including information about the higher-order statistics of the probability density function (pdf) (Shannon & Weaver, 1964; Fano, 1961; Renyi, 1970; Csiszár & Körner, 1981). For on-line learning, information theoretic quantities must be estimated nonparametrically from data. A nonparametric expression that is differentiable and easy to approximate stochastically will enable importing useful concepts such as stochastic gradient learning and backpropagation of errors. The natural choice is kernel density estimation (KDE) (Parzen, 1967), due its smoothness and asymptotic properties. The plug-in estimation methodology (Gyorfi & van der Meulen, 1990) combined with definitions of Renyi (Renyi, 1970), provides a set of tools that are well-tuned for learning applications – tools suitable for supervised and unsupervised, off-line and on-line learning. Renyi’s definition of entropy for a random variable X is


Key Terms in this Chapter

Mutual Information Projections: Maximally discriminative nonlinear nonparametric projections for feature dimensionality reduction based on the reproducing kernel Hilbert space theory.

Information Potentials and Forces: Physically intuitive pairwise particle interaction rules that emerge from information theoretic learning criteria and govern the learning process, including backpropagation in multilayer system adaptation

Correntropy: A statistical measure that estimates the similarity between two or more random variables by integrating the joint probability density function along the main diagonal of the vector space (line along ones). It relates to Renyi’s entropy when averaged over sample-index lags.

Stochastic Information Gradient: Stochastic gradient of nonparametric entropy estimate based on kernel density estimation.

Information Theoretic Learning: A technique that employs information theoretic optimality criteria such as entropy, divergence, and mutual information for learning and adaptation

Kernel Density Estimate: A nonparametric technique for probability density function estimation.

Cauchy-Schwartz Distance: An angular density distance measure in the Euclidean space of probability density functions that approximates information theoretic divergences for nearby densities.

Renyi Entropy: A generalized definition of entropy that stems from modifying the additivity postulate and results in a class of information theoretic measures that contain Shannon’s definitions as special cases.

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