Intelligent Constructing Exact Tolerance Limits for Prediction of Future Outcomes Under Parametric Uncertainty

Intelligent Constructing Exact Tolerance Limits for Prediction of Future Outcomes Under Parametric Uncertainty

Nicholas A. Nechval
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 29
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3479-3.ch049
(Individual Chapters)
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The problem of constructing one-sided exact statistical tolerance limits on the kth order statistic in a future sample of m observations from a distribution of log-location-scale family on the basis of an observed sample from the same distribution is considered. The new technique proposed here emphasizes pivotal quantities relevant for obtaining tolerance factors and is applicable whenever the statistical problem is invariant under a group of transformations that acts transitively on the parameter space. The exact tolerance limits on order statistics associated with sampling from underlying distributions can be found easily and quickly making tables, simulation, Monte Carlo estimated percentiles, special computer programs, and approximation unnecessary. Finally, numerical examples are given, where the tolerance limits obtained by using the known methods are compared with the results obtained through the proposed novel technique, which is illustrated in terms of the extreme-value and two-parameter Weibull distributions.
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The logical purpose for a statistical tolerance limit (where the coverage value γ is the percentage of the future process outcomes to be captured by the prediction, and the confidence level (1−α) is the proportion of the time we hope to capture that percentageγ) is to predict future outcomes for some production process which is treated as process, say, with stochastic variation of a product lifetime. The applications of tolerance limits (intervals) are varied. They included clinical and industrial applications, including quality control, applications to environmental monitoring, to the assessment of agreement between two methods or devices, and applications in industrial hygiene. For example, such tolerance limits are required, when planning life tests, engineers may need to predict the number of failures that will occur by the end of the test or to predict the amount of time that it will take for a specified number of units to fail. Tolerance limits of the type mentioned above are considered in this article, which presents a new technique for constructing exact statistical (lower and upper) tolerance limits on outcomes (for example, on order statistics) in future samples. Attention is restricted to the extreme-value and two-parameter Weibull distributions under parametric uncertainty (when both parameters are unknown). The technique used here emphasizes pivotal quantities relevant for obtaining tolerance factors and is applicable whenever the statistical problem is invariant under a group of transformations that acts transitively on the parameter space. It does not require the construction of any tables and is applicable whether the experimental data are complete or Type II censored. The exact tolerance limits on order statistics associated with sampling from underlying distributions can be found easily and quickly making tables, simulation, Monte Carlo estimated percentiles, special computer programs, and approximation unnecessary. The proposed technique is based on a probability transformation and pivotal quantity averaging. It does not in need to make any assumption concerning the statistical functional form for the tolerance limit, is conceptually simple and easy to use. The scientific literature does not contain an analytical methodology for constructing exact γ-content tolerance limits with expected (1−α)-confidence on future order statistics coming from an extreme-value or Weibull distribution. One reason is that the theoretical concept and computational complexity of the tolerance limits is significantly more difficult than that of the standard confidence and prediction limits. However, in the literature there are several known methods for constructing (1-α)-prediction limits (in terms of this article, tolerance limits with expected (1-α)-confidence) on future order statistics coming from the two-parameter Weibull distribution. Therefore, finally, we give numerical examples, where the (1-α)-prediction limits obtained by using the known methods are compared with the results obtained through the proposed analytical methodology, which is illustrated in terms of the extreme-value and two-parameter Weibull distributions. Analytical formulas for the tolerance limits are available in the scientific literature for only simple cases, for example, for the upper or lower tolerance limit for a univariate normal population. Thus it becomes necessary to use new methods in order to derive exact statistical tolerance limits for many populations. The proposed, in this article, technique of intelligent constructing exact statistical γ-content tolerance limits with expected (1−α)-confidence, which are obtained here in terms of the two-parameter Weibull and extreme-value distributions, represents a novelty in the theory of statistical decisions.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Extreme-Value Distribution: The so-called first asymptotic distribution of extreme values, hereafter referred to simply as the extreme-value distribution, which is extensively used in a number of areas as a lifetime distribution and sometimes referred to as the Gumbel distribution.

Statistical ?-Content Tolerance Limit with Expected (1-a)-Confidence: An upper statistical ? -content tolerance limit with expected (1- a )-confidence is determined so that with the given expected confidence level 1- a , a specified proportion ? or more of the population will fall below the limit. A lower statistical ? -content tolerance limit with expected (1- a )-confidence satisfies similar conditions.

Future Outcome: The value of the k th order statistic, 1= k = m , in a future random sample of m ordered observations Y 1 = …= Y m .

Parametric Uncertainty: It is assumed that only the functional form of the underlying distributions is specified, but some or all of its parameters are unspecified. In this article, it is assumed that both parameters of the underlying distributions are unknown.

Type II Censored Data: In this case, we only observe, say, the r smallest observations in a random sample of n items.

Two-Parameter Weibull Distribution: This two-parameter distribution is one of the most widely used life distributions in reliability analysis. It is very flexible, and can, through an appropriate choice of parameters, model many types of failure rate behaviors. The distribution has wide applications in diverse disciplines.

Statistical Tolerance Limit with Expected (1-a)-Confidence: An upper statistical tolerance limit with expected (1- a )-confidence is determined so that the expected proportion of the population failing below the limit is (1- a ). A lower statistical tolerance limit with expected (1- a )-confidence satisfies similar conditions.

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