Internet of Things and Machine Learning-Integrated Smart Robotics

Internet of Things and Machine Learning-Integrated Smart Robotics

B. Uma Maheswari, S. Sagar Imambi, Dler Hasan, S. Meenakshi, V. G. Pratheep, Sampath Boopathi
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7791-5.ch010
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Robotics has been a mainstay of modern manufacturing, and it is now being employed more and more for surveillance, military, and entertainment applications. While rescue robots are employed to save humans in mining accidents, urban disasters, hostage situations, and explosions, remote-controlled surveillance robots acquire photos and video for specialised objectives. Advanced materials and effective transmissions are used in power management and new generation drive-train systems to boost speed, precision, and longevity. Both barriers with a known shape and those with an unknown shape must be overcome by the system. This requires more power and presents a design difficulty. In this chapter, the internet of things (IoT) and machine learning (ML)-integrated smart robot principles have been explained.
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Robotics has been a mainstay of modern manufacturing for more than 50 years, and it is now being employed more and more for surveillance, military, and entertainment applications. While rescue robots are made to save people, remote-controlled surveillance robots are employed to take pictures and videos for certain objectives. In hostage situations, explosions, urban calamities, and mining mishaps, rescue robots are deployed. Robots that can detect metal are autonomous or remotely operated machines made for scientific purposes. Advanced materials and effective transmissions are used in power management and new generation drive-train systems to boost speed, precision, and longevity. For a robot to climb and descend obstacles in unstructured settings, advanced fuel cells, battery, and charging mechanisms are required. The system must be capable of overcoming both barriers with known shapes and those with unknown shapes. Remote communication is more practical in environments where links cannot be utilised since it is less expensive, establishes associations rapidly, and has a low error rate. Additionally, the collector's versatility greatly expands if it is converted into a handheld (Calavia et al., 2012).

IoT is a low-force technique for distant information transfer that is utilised in contemporary and typical areas. It helps us to keep an eye on and manage crucial ideas about employing devices to deliver data to a wireless cloud storage system. The main driver of this transition is the Web, which enables the transmission of data from devices to the cloud and from the cloud to end users. The conventional end structure or host in the Internet has been superseded by the Internet of Things, enabling the recognition and transfer of data such as temperature, weight, tenacity, clamour, spoilage, object region, and vitals. Characteristic checking is a crucial Internet of Things application that combines monitoring the situation and disclosing this data for practical current-moment actions. The Internet of Things (IoT) has made it possible for individuals to connect with one another, and ranchers in rural India play a significant part in the Indian economy. Indian ranchers deal with a range of problems, including crop and leaf disease, rain, and other factors that might significantly affect their farming. Although many people still use conventional techniques, emerging illnesses can seriously harm crops. Their lives are significantly impacted by this. Backwoods are susceptible to pollution, which may harm the animals that consume them. Infected plants are consumed by humans, which may have detrimental effects on their health. A tailored contamination area strategy is crucial for early plant disease detection. This method aids in the early detection of the illness and the suppression of its spread. For both people and animals, plants and everyday objects are necessary, with different plant leaves and flavours playing a significant role due to their healing properties. Benefits and food security are provided by regions like Asia and Africa. Crop yields are significantly impacted by diseases, which has an adverse effect on crop producers' remuneration and raises prices for consumers and dealers. Research has been done to examine the effects of various illnesses in various geographic locations (Lee & Shin, 2015; Wang et al., 2018).

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