Long-Term Mobile Phone Use Leads to Brain Tumors

Long-Term Mobile Phone Use Leads to Brain Tumors

Lai Lei Lou
Copyright: © 2015 |Pages: 10
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-8239-9.ch052
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Although mobile phones have proved to be lifesaving in certain circumstances, wide concerns have been raised about brain tumors associated with their use. This article systematically reviews previous and current research in regards to mobile phone use and brain tumors. Recently, research (more than 10 years mobile phone use or cumulative mobile phone use more than 1640 hours) has been found that the amount of exposure to mobile phone radiation plays a key role in determining the significant associations between mobile phone use and gliomas, and acoustic neuroma. In general, those who use mobile phones for more than ten years, or cumulative call time for more than 1640 hours, have higher risks to develop brain tumors, especially glioma and acoustic neuroma, than those who use mobile phones for less than one year.
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Professor Lennart Hardell at the University Hospital in Sweden is the pioneering and leading scholar in mobile/cordless phone use and brain tumors (Baan et al., 2011; Davis, Kesari, Soskolne, Miller, & Stein, 2013; Hardell et al., 1999, 2013). Hardell and his colleagues published the first article about mobile/cordless phone use and brain tumors (Hardell et al., 1999). He included cases and controls during 1994 – 1996. In the past twenty years, professor Hardell has been studying mobile/cordless phone use and different tumors risk. In his latest study, Hardell and his group has confirmed that long term mobile phone use would increase glioma and acoustic neuroma risks (Hardell et al., 2013).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Gliomas: Gliomas are the most common brain tumors that are malignant and consisting of more than 60% of central nervous system tumors.

Brain Tumors: Brain tumors include any tumors in the brain.

Acoustic Neuromas: Acoustic neuromas develop on the eighth cranial nerve, which connects the inner ear with the brain.

Cell phone: Mobile phone.

Meningiomas: Meningiomas are usually benign, growing from the meninges, which are the three thin membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord.

Mobile Phones: Cell phone.

Brain Cancer: Brain tumor.

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