Managing Intercultural Service Encounters: Establishing the Need for Intercultural Training

Managing Intercultural Service Encounters: Establishing the Need for Intercultural Training

Suvenus Sophonsiri, G. Barry O’Mahony
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-0077-5.ch008
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Global service sector growth and the contracting out of services have produced a complex business environment that has major challenges for corporate success. Nowhere is this more evident than in intercultural service encounters where the delivery of service standards has become integral to developing a competitive advantage and inducing customer loyalty. This chapter identifies the various aspects of service delivery that are significantly influenced by culture. The chapter explains the dimensions of culture that have been found by cross-cultural researchers to be essential to service delivery success and describes how cross cultural training can be used effectively in the international service sector.
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The Impacts Of Cultural Differences During Service Encounters: The East - West Perspective

Many aspects of service can be significantly influenced by culture. Issues that have been frequently cited by cross-cultural researchers as areas where culture can have a marked influence relate to customer expectations, the evaluation of service, service recovery (Armstrong, Mok, & Go, 1997; Hernandez, et al., 1991; Lee & Ulgado, 1997; Mattila, 1999; Mattila & Patterson, 2004; Sultan & Simpson, 2000; Wong, 2004; Yau, 1988), host-guest interactions (Reisinger, 1997; Reisinger & Turner, 1998, 1999, 2002, 2003; Turner & Reisinger, 2000) and customer satisfaction (Truong & King, 2006). Each of these is important in establishing business sustainability and therefore previous research on these dimensions is presented and discussed below.

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